Baking and Alechemy

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"Dad is it fine if I go visit Varian today?" "Alright just be careful my dear and bring him some cookies while you're at it" I grab onto the basket and put some chocolate chip, sugar and frosted sugar cookies in it and leave while more people head into shop.

"Hello Varian's father, may I visit him?" Quirin was a sweet man but he seemed a bit strict to Varian at times like he was very hard to impress. "Welcome (Y/n), he's at his lab" Of course Varian would be there making something I presume "Here you go Sir" A frosted sugar cookie might sweeten up his mood (Pun not intended yet thought) I head over and opened the door seeing Varian carefully pour some mixture of blue into purple. It skyrocketed over and I ducked "Whoa!" Sadly it doesn't seem to be done and Varian realized that as he ran to me "Careful!" He pushed me and I could feel his gloved hand wrap around my head from behind. "Whew, you okay (Y/n)?" Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't. Freak. Out! It's just Varian on top of you carefully protecting me from and concoction he made and it backfired I hope it did because if that is what he was trying to make then so many people might just go in shock. Totally friend like. Yep only friends do this. Varian feels warm, does he know that? Probably from all of the working he does work in a warm...very area a- I can't do this. My face feels hot as I sit up. I think he finally noticed our position as he got up and held his hand out for me. "Thanks" "Sorry about that, it wasn't supposed to do that" Oh thank goodness it wasn't supposed to. "Uh, I brought cookies" I reached for the- oh no it fell didn't it. "Oh no the cookies!" "Sorry" "No reason to apologize I can always make more, anyways what was that thing supposed to b-" I thought it was done flying. It hit Varian at the back of his head...and he collapsed. "Varian! Oh no this isn't good, oooohhh I'm gonna be in BIG trouble, is he dead oh please don't be dead Varian" Think of something (Y/n)! Oh wait I think I got it. I carry Varian over to a metal table and set it up with a table cloth, a pillow and a blanket. This is fine. I got this.


"Variaaan, cooome baaaack to mmmme" "Urgh" "I maaade cooookies" It may seem like a dumb voice but I ran out of options. It seems cookies got his attention as he sat up. "Where?" Luckily some of his Alchemy things is similar to objects in a kitchen and I managed to make chocolate chip cookies (hopefully it won't kill him) "Your alive! Here you go" Varian munched on the hopefully edible and good tasting cookies. "This is good...but I thought the cookies got trashed, please tell me you're not serving me stained cookies cause I haven't cleaned a-" He's rambling again so cute "No I made them freshly baked goods!" "How?" "Please don't get mad, I made them using some of your things" He dropped the second cookie on his lap but picked it back up "What? H-how?" "It's pretty simple really, when I was able to figure out what some stuff did I arranged them in a way I would in a kitchen, for example I used your heater and replaced the vials by putting a metallic bowl here and of course Dad basically wouldn't let me go out without the proper equipment to make sweets this time it's cookies when I wanted to for other people, so I managed to find another bowl to mix the ingredients and used this machine of your work to heat at a good enough temperature to make the cookies" I didn't even notice that I rambled about the cooking Varian was scarfing down a fourth cookie and his face looks red. "Sorry I rambled didn't I?" It seems he was in a trance which he now snapped out of "N-no keep going!" Is he actually interested about this? "Oh I also managed to make the cookies cool a bit faster by using the same machine as before with the heat but in reverse so it cooled but on a lower time so it wouldn't freeze and...that's about it actually" He was on his seventh cookie as he stared at me. I feel self-conscious did I go too far?

"That's really impressive (Y/n)" "I-it is?" "I mean yeah able to do all of that just to bake cookies? I think that takes a lot of skill" Is it getting hot in here? Am I dying why did my heart skip a bit? Is this what death is!?

If so, it feels nice and warm a tingling sensation I guess. 

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