The perfect cookie

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It's been a few hours but I think I did finished it. 

"Alas I have made the perfect cookie!" I held up the new prize.

"Hey (Y/n) what is the perfect cookie? And can I eat it?" Of course Eugene would ask for such a thing he's in love with sweets. "Ah I'm sorry to disappoint but you can not eat this perfect cookie" He pouted "Whaaat why not?" Should I show him? He's not good at secrets though, and if this gets out or if he hears about...-IF SHE HEARS ABOUT IT! "Because it's perfect and I said no" Better to not tell Eugene of all people. "Just a nibble?" "No Eugene" "Pleeease" "No that's final...oh no not the puppy dog eyes, no my only weakness!" Eugene has this strange power and I have no clue why he was given it. So does Varian.

"Eugene why don't I make you a cookie instead, (Y/n) has been up making that special cookie for a special someone" "Dad!" "Ohhoho~ A special someone I see" "No, no special someone!" "Ah I think there is a special someone!" "Eugene don't" "Please (Y/n)" "Eugene Fitzherbert be nice to (Y/n)" Oh thank goodness Rapunzel is here. "No Raps listen (Y/n) here made a perfect cookie for someone special and she won't tell me who" "Eugene st-" "A special someone! Who!" Could this day get any worse "A special what now?" Oh. No.

"Hey Varian, (Y/n) here made a perfect cookie for someone but won't tell who it's for" Rapunzel nooo!

"Can I see?" "NO! Uh I m-mean no you can nit because um well it's a surprise for someone because it's they're birthday which is why I made this cookie. Yes that's exactly why" "It's someone's birthday? Who?" How do I say this to Rapunzel everyone adores her except for Dad. She'd know who's birthday it really is. "Uuuh a distant old friend of mine, named-" Quickly look around..

Uh a barrel and um a sheep uuuh- "Sherp Barel"

"Sherp Barel?" I can't believe that's what I came up with. "Yep that's my good friend he's um coming to visit?" No! "Can we help set up for his party?" "Yes you can" NO! STOP SAYING THINGS (Y/N)!!


"Okay listen folks from what (Y/n) says Sherp Barel will be here in a couple hours so we have to get ready! Eugene get decorations, Cass set up the room, (Y/n) you can make the sweets and Varian I want you to help her. I'll get the walls and make sure no one has anything big to do here so we can keep the room clear! LET'S GO!" How...How did I let it go this far?

"Varian make sure you don't stir too fast!" "I-I got it" Flour so much...flour. On the floor, walls and who knows where else. "Okay Varian I'm gonna get something to clean all this up just please don't touch anything!" "You got it!"

Quickly (Y/n) find a cloth or something. "(Y/n)" "OH- C-Cass hello" "Can we talk?" "I can't I left Varian in the kitchen and if I stray too far he'll blow up the sugar!" "There's no real birthday going in is there?" How'd she know? "Um n-no no, there isn't and I don't even know a Sherp Barel" "I figured" Cassandra is very sharp I don't think I'm that surprised that she figured it out. "I'll tell Raps about the party" Wait no. I grab onto Cass's arm "Please don't tell her!" "I won't, I'll just tell her that Sherp Barel decided to not come over because he got sick or something" That's some tension gone "Thank you Cassandra" Cass smiled? I think but she already left before I could see it.

"Guys Cass told me that (Y/n) told her that Sherp Barel isn't coming to Corona" "What? I did all that work! These decorations were not easy to find you know" "I know Eugene but it's off but that's okay" Everyone left well at least that's over. I just didn't get how I managed to get this far with it all.

Wait Varian..







"Varian what happened?" "Well you see Pascal got in and I tried to keep him away from all the stuff but then he started to bounce all around and he hid as some of the ingredients so I tried to stop him but it didn't work" This dork. This cute silly dork did all of this just to keep it nice. I can't stay mad at him. "It's alright, I'll clean up" "Can I help?" I hand him a rag and get the bucket of water.

Luckily Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra came to help us clean up.

"Wait what about the perfect cookie can I eat it if Sherp isn't coming" I almost forgot about that.. "Sorry Eugene you can't I'm gonna hold onto it for him" "Aww fine"


"Varian, here" Everyone left so I think it's fine to do it now. I made sure it's carefully wrapped and well done. "What is this?" "...The perfect cookie" He unwrapped it, I hope he enjoys it. "I managed to make it after you, see the black and little teal there. Oh and the little freckles" "Thank you (Y/n), I love it"

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