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"I'll get it!" Someone might be caught in this blizzard. I open the door to...Varian? He looks so tired and worn. "Varian!? What's wrong?" "M-my father I was experimenting and he's getting encased in something! I asked Rapunzel for help but she neglected me" "Whoa whoa, calm down" I have to help him. But dad wouldn't want me to be going out in a time like this..

I have to help him.

I swiftly grab my fur lined coat and put on boots, luckily I put on a warm (s/f/c) winter dress today. "Let's go, quickly before my Dad finds out"

We started running.


It's so cold and slippery all around. Varian seems to be going very fast he should s- "AH!" Ah no no no please don't fall! Too late, my stomach turned but it stopped... "(Y/n)!" He held onto me and I grabbed ahold as he pulled me up. "Thank you" He held onto my hand and continued going.

The lab is so torn, it seems the black stones broke through here. "Dad, Dad the Princess refused to help but I-" He stopped and I peered ahead of him to look. Quirin he- how? "Dad.." No, Varian oh no Varian...

Varian ran to Quirin dropping his staff "Oh no..No no no no! No! Dad! Daddy! No! No no no no!" I have to help him. He slid down to his knees and sobbed, I got close and hugged him. Maybe it's not enough but I hope it helps a bit. He sobbed and wrapped his arms around me. "No no no..Dad..." "Varian I'm so sorry" "It's not your fault, it's Corona's" He's in grief of course he'd blame something but it's okay I can help him. I hope so.


It's been a few days since I've seen Varian, I miss him a lot. Apparently people have said that Varian attacked Rapunzel, I know it isn't true though. I believe in Varian and I know he wouldn't do that.


"Dad? Are you trying to reach for the cutters again? I told you to ask m- VA- MMph!" He put his hand over my mouth and let go quickly "Hey" He grinned and I can't help but hug him. "Agh it's been so long I missed you Varian" "I missed you too (Y/n)" "So what's up?" "I need to place an order for a few cookies" Cookies, really? "Varian, cookies are my specialty I got you" I wink and head to the kitchen. "Soo what kind?" "You can choose" "Sugar cookies it is" "Oh wait use this" A pretty looking vial containing some sort of purple liquid? "Is it a special ingredient I've never seen it before" "It's um food coloring" "Ooh purple is a nice color"

Alright the cookies are in the oven. I want to ask him...I missed him so much "Where have you been?" He looked down. Gah I shouldn't have asked! Dummy you were there when...


"I'm sorry that was bad to ask" "Nah it's fine, I have an idea on how to free him!" Whoa that quick? Ah wait it's Varian I'm thinking about, he's great at this stuff of course he has an answer. "May I ask what is it?" He leaned in close and I swear I may be as red as a velvet treat. "The Sun-drop flower, I think it still exists" "What?! I thought the King said-" "I know it's only a theory but I have some evidence" "Well if you do then I trust you" He smiled and leaned to me..

Is it happening again? Just like before...


Oh the cookies!

"Here you go Varian" I get my oven mitts and grab the platter "How much?" "Nah it's on the house" "Y-you sure?" "Positive"


3rd Pov

"I used you Rapunzel!" Rapunzel was shocked as Varian tucked the Sun Flower into his satchel. Eugene, Cass, (Y/n) and the guards busted the vault doors open "There he is!" (Y/n) looked over to see Varian and he stopped staring at her. "Wait!" The guards stopped at (Y/n)'s shout as she walked over to Varian. "Varian?" (Y/n)'s voice wavered as her eyes teared up " used me?" Varian's face fell "N-no no no not you" "Then what did you do with those cookies?" "I mixed them with a truth serum" (Y/n) took a step back "I trusted you" Varian looked down in shame "I know" "..." "I'm sorry" Varian took out his mixtures and threw it on the floor making the room fill with smoke. He started to run but (Y/n) caught him by his sleeve and ran ahead.

They ended up on the outskirts of Corona in a sewage system. "W-why did you help me?" (Y/n) hesitated, why did she help? She knew the consequences and yet she took him out to the best place to hide. "I don't know, I'm upset you used me to make a truth serum but I want you to get your dad back. Even if it's not the best thing for me to do and I may just get in so much trouble..." Varian clasped his hand on hers. "I- Why don't you come with me?" (Y/n)'s eyes widen at his offer "But my dad and friends.." "(Y/n) they turned their backs on us remember? Please" Varian begged and (Y/n) got silent. "I can't" Varian's face fell into anger, sadness and then neutral "It's okay, I'm happy you helped me. I'll get my dad back and then we'll go back to the way things were (Y/n)" (Y/n) smiled "Okay"

Varian didn't feel like (Y/n) turned her back on him. She was there in his time of need and she actually helped him escape. It was the one thing that stayed good.

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