Project Obsidian

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(Y/n) Pov

I was preparing the new gopher for the Gopher Grab that Rapunzel, Eugene and that Maid Faith got. Faith seems nice I've never really talked to her much. "Hello?" I turned and saw Faith enter the tent "Hi Faith, did you want to talk?" Faith smiled and approached me feeding the new gopher dimberries (NOT bimberries Eugene!) "I uh heard what Cassandra did to you when Varian was missing, are you okay?" I froze but brushed it off, how does she know? Oh no wait, Corona gets word spread easily.

"If I'm being honest, at first I felt horrible. A big piece of my life was stripped from me, I couldn't stop crying and I kept having nightmares. Especially since I learned that Zhan Tiri was using Cassandra and that demon kept talking to me in my dreams. She tried to persuade me so many times when I had my magic. But I realized just because I lost a piece doesn't mean I should lose myself! So I picked myself up and kept going"

Faith looked sad "I'm so sorry" Weird choice of words. "What are you saying sorry for, it's not like you did it" Faith chuckled and looked away "Well I'm happy you found yourself" I smiled "Yeah me t-" Oh not again!

3rd Pov

(Y/n) smiled "Yeah me t-" (Y/n) stopped and started to cough as Faith held her hand out and comforted her "A-are you okay?" Some blood stained (Y/n)'s arm where she had coughed "I'm fine just under the weather" (Y/n) tried to laugh it off but Faith was still concerned "Your bleeding!" (Y/n) covered Faith's mouth and laughed while sweating lightly "Haha" (Y/n) started to whisper "I don't want anyone knowing, please don't tell Rapunzel and especially NOT Varian" Faith nodded and let (Y/n) uncover her mouth "Thank you" Faith looked downcast "When did this start?" (Y/n) cringed "A few days ago when I was still recovering, it seems no matter how hard I try I keep coughing badly and then blood draws. It's nothing though" (Y/n) smiled and Faith was scared but didn't say a word.

(Y/n) lied every time she started to cough and she could feel it.

She was dying...


It was revealed that Faith was actually Cassandra as Varian and Eugene stayed still, Varian holding a big gun full of his alchemical substances. "Hold your fire!" Without anyone's noticing Zhan Tiri appeared from behind Varian and pushed the trigger making amber be shot to Cassandra. She was frozen in amber "I told you not to fire!" "I-I don't know what happened it must have malfunctioned!" (Y/n) looked at Cassandra seeing her get angry and shouted "Cassandra it wasn't on purpose!" Cassandra broke free and attacked Rapunzel, knocking her out. Eugene let Max take her to safety. (Y/n) grabbed a nearby sword and pushed Cassandra away careful to not actually hurt her. "Cassandra, I know she's doing something to you! Zhan Tiri is hurting you Cassandra!" Cassandra growled "No! I'm in charge and unlike you I have control!" Cassandra blasted (Y/n) away against the stone as she coughed again. "Cassandra this is your home!" Varian pleaded "Not anymore" Cassandra forced Varian away and broke his blaster and started to go after Eugene.

Varian slid over to (Y/n) as she was knocked unconscious "(Y/n)?" Varian noticed the dry blood on her arm only thinking it as only her being hurt from Cassandra was why she had blood.

It had to be right?

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