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3rd Pov

It's been about 4 years since the Zhan Tiri battle, Rapunzel became Queen and Eugene King (Married too yay!) Cassandra after 2 years of travelling and visiting came back to Corona. She went back to the castle and gladly became the second commander next to Eugene (The teasing doesn't end though)

Varian was 20 now, along with (Y/n). Varian got taller than his lover and was more lean {The picture just look at it to see what Varian looks like darn it} (Y/n) wore a (f/c) dress with a (s/f/c) ribbon tied around it. Her (standard color) shoes clacking against the stone as she spun on her heel and travelled along Corona.

(Y/n) works at the Castle as the Royal baker, but she still goes back to the Sweet Shoppe to see her dad and Atilla. Varian works with Quirin as the Corona's most trusted alchemist and enigerneer.

Everyone was happy in Corona, (Y/n) skipped along the path as she held a woven basket filled with sweet cookies in little ribbon bags. (Y/n) humming (The Girl Who Has Everything Reprise) until Varian sneaked up behind her and covered her (e/c) eyes. "Guess who?" His voice was a little deeper then before and (Y/n) pretended to not know "Hmmm, Lance?" Varian took his hands away hurt "Wow, no not him at all, I'm hurt honestly" (Y/n) turned to him and kissed Varian on the lips "I know, dork" (Y/n) handed a cookie bag to Varian and walked ahead towards the castle as Varian looked into the bag. The cookies he had weren't the ones she was normally giving out, instead it looked like him... Just like before when she called it the perfect cookie. "Is this?" (Y/n) glanced at him slyly and smiled knowing full well what she did and greeted Stan and Pete by giving them cookies which looked like them as well. "Hi Stan. Hi Pete" "Hi (Y/n)" "Good to see you (Y/n), I think the Queen would be glad to see one of her best friends" Stan and Pete let them go in and the two entered the main room "Hi Rapunzel!" Rapunzel turned to them and gasped "Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! VARIAN! I missed you guys sooo much!" Rapunzel ran to the two and gave them a bear hug and Varian squeaked as the air left his lungs "W-we can tell heh" Rapunzel let them go grinning "Sorry, it's just so many Queen duties it's been awhile since I've had any me time" Eugene walked over and Cassandra joined. "Hey (N/n)!" "Hi Eugene"


The gang except for (Y/n) sat around the main table as the Castle staff brought the food. (Y/n) came in after they had served the food and untied her (h/l) (h/c) hair and took off her apron. "I did my best, please enjoy" Everyone thanked (Y/n) as Kiera and Catalina marveled at the food in awe. Varian patted at a seat beside him and (Y/n) took it gratefully "Thanks Var"


Lance yelled out happily "Man! I'll never stop loving your cooking (Y/n)!" Catalina looked to (Y/n) "Can you teach me how to make brownies?" (Y/n) nodded and everyone smiled as they enjoyed the moment.

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