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3rd Pov

It was a warm night when it happened when Varian got down on one knee and showed a ring for his lover, for his (Y/n). It at first felt like a dream...

"(Y/n)? Will you marry me?" (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes welled with tears and she covered her mouth with her hands nodding "Yes" Varian smiled and put the ring on her finger and kissed her. (Y/n) felt as if the kiss and the proposal was just the only thing in the world she can think about, and it is. The next day (Y/n) and Varian ran to the castle dragging Monty and Quirin along to see Rapunzel, Cassandra, Pascal, Max and Eugene. (Y/n) was grinning like a kid who just got candy "EVERYONE GUESS WHAT?! I'M ENGAGED!!" It was silent.

Then the room burst with cries of excitement as everyone crowded around (Y/n) and Varian with looks of joy as they say the ring and adored over how beautiful it looked. Monty and Quirin looked between one another and nodded "Ahem" Everyone fell silent once more looking at Monty and Quirin. "(Y/n), sweetie, congratulations" (CoughHamiltioncough) Monty looked to Varian next "Treat her well or so help me I'll throttle you" Varian sweated and nodded "Yes sir I will" Varian looked to his father waiting for a response and Quirin spoke "Varian my son, take good care of each other" Quirin smiled softly and looked to (Y/n) "Your in charge" (Y/n) snickered as Varian turned red and the cheering from everyone else continued.


It was finally their wedding day the big moment. Cassandra, Rapunzel and Pascal got (Y/n) ready for her moment. "Guys I'm nervous" Cassandra spoke "We know, you won't sit still even though I'm trying to get your dress to look good" "Yeah sorry (N/n) but it's hard doing your hair like this" Pascal let out a few noises definitely agreeing with the girls. (Y/n) sighed and let the girls do what they had to.

Meanwhile Varian was a wreck as Eugene tried to do his hair and Lance was prepping his suit as Ruddiger was eating an apple watching his friend go crazy. "Guys! What if she says no! What if I say no!" Eugene scoffed "Varian do you want to marry the girl?" "Yes" Lance joined in "Then why would you say no?" Varian sat down letting Eugene do his hair and Lance finished his tux. "Alright there we go" "Well kid, it's time" Eugene patted Varian's back as the two guys left, Ruddiger chittered getting Varian's attention "Hi Ruddiger" Ruddiger put on a determined face showing what Varian should do and Varian laughed "Thank you buddy, your the best"


Everyone was wearing a nice white with blue accent clothing. Varian was at the altar waiting he wore a white tuxedo with a dark blue bowtie. (Y/n) stepped into view leaving Varian breathless and staring at her, Monty took ahold of her arm and walked her down the aisle. (Y/n) was holding a bouquet of blue flowers as she walked over her lacy white dress stunning Varian so much he had to remember how to breath. (Y/n) had her (h/c) (h/l) hair down and Varian had his hair done neatly his teal stripe still dashing as always. Monty stood next to Quirin. Varian's best men are Lance and Eugene, (Y/n)'s being Cassandra and Rapunzel. Pascal, Max and Ruddiger had to wipe stray tears out of their eyes while watching the big moment commence. Xavier was the clergy he watched Varian turn red and chuckled "Indeed Varian, she is beautiful indeed" "Yeah she is, I'm the luckiest man in the world"

(Y/n) stood in front of Varian she was shy and Varian was so happy for this moment. To be honest, he always dreamed of their marriage after they had started being together and this was so much more then he ever thought. "Today we are joined to celebrate the marriage of these two lovers, Varian and (Y/n). Who in difficult times always managed to keep their love true, Varian do you have anything to say?"

"(Y/n) the first day I met you when your dress was stuck on debris made from my invention I knew I liked you. I liked it when you made that perfect cookie for me and even though you made such an elaborate scheme to make sure Eugene wouldn't eat it. When we stayed at your favorite spot that night it was so lovely, I didn't get to mention how pretty you looked that night even though you were grieving that same night. I still loved you"

Rapunzel and Lance were practically bawling their eyes out. Xavier kept going "(Y/n) do you have anything you wish to say?"

"Varian when I first met you I was embarrassed that you saw me struggle over a dress but if it never happened I would've never met you and I wouldn't trade any moment then that. Or that time I made you cookies using your alchemy I felt so happy when you were impressed with my actions. Varian I love you"

"Now do you Varian take (Y/n) to be lawfully wedded wife, to cherish and love her through life and death to forever remain by her side as one?" "I do"

"And do you (Y/n) take Varian to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish and love him through life and death to forever remain by his side as one?" "I do"

"I know pronounce you Husband and Wife. Varian, you may now kiss the bride" Everyone cheered as Varian got closer to (Y/n) and kissed her sweetly. (Y/n) closed her eyes relishing in this moment as Varian closed his eyes doing the same.

They moved apart and looked at each other his blue eyes and her (e/c) eyes full of joy and love.


The End

A/n: It's over. I had a blast writing this! I will make more Varian fanfictions just of different plot and stuff. If you have any suggestions on another type of Varian x Reader fic please comment. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it! Bye bye~

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