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Varian came over to the Sweet Shoppe it was a nice day too. "Varian good morning" "Hey (Y/n) how are you doing?" "Doing good just baking some sweets for the display glass outside" He smiled that same smile that makes my heart stop.

"Wanna visit the castle?" "Sure" Okay brownies is a good treat to bring to our friends. Yeah brownies are good. "Hey Pete do you want a brownie?" "Oh sure, thank you (Y/n)" "

"Hey Rapunzel and Eugene! Wanna all hang out together?" We played many games. Chess, Tag and seeing who could paint the best picture of who. "Wanna end the day off with Hide-n-Seek?" "Eugene you know all the secret areas around the castle!" "Yes Blondie which is why I have chosen the game, Varian you go first!" "What? Why me?" "You lost the last game now go count!" Eugene shooed Varian into the halls. "1, 2, 3-" We ran Cass went left, Rapunzel right and Eugene straight. So why not go back.

Let's see where am I? Uh okay I hit a table which means I'm in a regular guest room or the banquet room- oh no wait I'm in a guest room. It's cliché but it's a classic so under the bed it is!

A few minutes later and the doors swung open. "Alright who's here!?" Oh it's Varian, let's see if he's the smart guy he says he is. He opened the closet from the sound of it. Oh this so fun!

Then the alarms went off. It was loud and it stung my ears.

The alarms kept going and Varian shut the doors. I guess it wouldn't to at least show myself, if anything the game seems to be over now. "Varian" "AAAAAH!- Oh (Y/n) w-what are you doing here?" "Well we were playing but then-"

Roaring footsteps pounded past the halls. "FIND THEM! QUICKLY!" Who?

"Quickly be 'fore the guards come back" Wait. Those voices sound familiar...


It was dark and hard to see as the two bulky men grabbed me by the arm."Mama! Don't leave me please!" Mama seemed fine with this, why? Why is Mama leaving me? "It's okay" "Mama!"

What? What was that?! "(Y/n) what's wrong?" "V-Varian" Why did I see that? Was that me?

Why- Why now? Why is everything spinning? "(Y/n) what's wrong!" Who is speaking? Who-

"Who do ya think you are!? Your our worker so stop whining about your mum she isn't coming back!" "I WANT MAMA!" "I DON'T CARE! SO DO AS I SAY OR YOU'LL BE IN BLOODY TROUBLE BRAT"

"S-she left" My head hurts. Everything hurts.. "(Y/n) please listen tell me what's wrong, please. Why are you crying?" Crying? I-I'm crying? 'V-Varian I can't my head. Nggh it hurts so much.. Varian" It hurts..all of it hurts. "It's okay come here" It hurts to focus my vision but Varian's arms are out? "Varian?" I feel...warmth? Is Varian hugging me? It feels nice.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" "I don't know those voices just seem so familiar and I think I started remembering things about before.." It's getting hard to breath "It's okay ssshh you don't have to keep going just relax" His hand is stroking my hair from behind, it feels so calming. Everything feels still now.

"VARIAN! (Y/N)! ARE YOU H- oh" That's Rapunzel's voice right? "Hey Rapunzel" "Varian what's wrong?" "We'll talk later, (Y/n)?" He leaned away and I looked up at him. Everything seems okay now, I feel good. "Yeah" "Wanna talk?" I nod and turned to Rapunzel still knowing that Varian is stroking my hair and holding onto me. "Whoever it was that raised the alarms, I know them. My mother I think she left me she sold me, I didn't remember though. Not until now" "The two are in the dungeons now" When did Cass get here? "I want to talk to them"

I should know right? I have the right to.

Two scruffy looking men were sitting. "Hey" They looked at me their red eyes glaring daggers to us. Varian, Cass, Rapunzel and Eugene insisted on coming with me to see them. "What do you want?" "You two made a trade between a woman and me, she got something for it. I want to know what happened" The one on the left barked and Varian grabbed onto my arm in what seems to be a reflex. "Naw I remember her, lass put up quite a fight" "She bloody scratched me, she was tough" "Wait stop! What happened?" They both smirked "Well you see lass that mum of yours didn't sell ya, we killed her"

Why is everything getting darker?

Killed? They killed her? Mama fought, and she died...

"(Y/n) it's okay deep breathes" Varian.

"N-no you didn't.. y-your lying" Please be lying! "Nope! We killed 'er and took ye for our work" They killed her and took me. I used to have a mom who'd take care of me. But they took it away...

"'s your fault.."




What am I doing? I'm holding onto the left the neck with both hands. The other one is knocked out cold.

"What did I- What?"

I looked back to Varian holding onto me, he was pulling my hands away it seems, while Cass, Eugene and Rapunzel were holding me back by using Rapunzel's hair. What did I do? "I-I..what did I do?" I whispered I don't think I trust my own voice now. "(Y/n) you started choking him, you were mumbling to yourself. Are you alright now?" I don't know how to answer. "I gotta go"

I ran despite the many protests.


I don't think I'm gonna leave my room for awhile. Not after that weird thing back there, I felt so weird like my body wasn't even mine. My mind was full of thoughts that echoed that I couldn't even make sense of it. "Can I come in (Y/n)?" Who's here and why?

"Who is it?" "Varian" I don't want to see him of all people, not after that thing. "Can I come in?" "Sure..." I guess having someone here might help clear my head. "(Y/n) how are you?" "Totally fine, almost killed someone but totally okay" He chuckled and got closer sitting on my bed "Wanna talk about it?" "Varian, they killed her" "I know they did" The tears are welling up again "I-I lost her and I didn't even know it" "Do you want a hug?" "Yes I really do" I can't hold back the sobs as it escapes my lips and Varian's warmth came over me again. "(Y/n)... I got you" He stroked my hair again and hugged me tighter then before.

A few minutes passed of silence and I let go and looked into his baby blue eyes "Va- mmph" His lips went to mine. Is he actually kissing me? It feels so warm, sorta tastes like cookies freshly baked ones. He separated and I can tell his face is possibly as red as mine. "I-I'm sorry you just seemed so sad and I thought I could help but then I k-kissed you?! And it was sorta a impulse I'm sorry I didn't mean to do t-" I gave him a quick peck on the lips making him fumble on his own words and stop. "Varian...I like you, a lot" "I like you a lot as well (Y/n)"

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