Plus Est En Vous

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3rd Pov

The Kingdom of Corona had fallen as everyone was stayed at the Snuggly Duckling, moral was at a minimum. Rapunzel had left and Queen Ariana had went to get her back as Eugene tried his best to get everyone up and going. (Y/n) sat in between her father and Varian glum. Varian had been watching her every now and then he saw the blood on her arm, even though it must've been during battle that it happened it still made him worry. The blood looked sorta old, and like it happened more than often. Varian's mind was all over the place with (Y/n), Corona, Cass and most of all how to get back their home.

Everyone turned as Rapunzel opened the door and got up on stage "Alright guys, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, this is the biggest threat this Kingdom has ever faced" Eugene nudged at Varian "No offense Varian" "Eh" (Y/n) giggled and Rapunzel started to play.

Rapunzel: Time now to fight

Let's turn our losing streak around

Rise and unite, let's do what we must do

If we're to win

We can't turn back or sneak around

Once we begin, the only way is through

Through the fire, through the rain

We'll face whatever the fates may bring

And tear through every wall

Through the fear, through the pain

And as one, we will rise

Marching tall

Through it all

It's not going to be easy, but it's our only option. Who's with me?

Eugene: Time now to stand

Frederic: Let's save our home and take it back

Lance: At your command

Atilla: I'm in

Vladimir: And me!

Shorty: Me, too!

Varian: Onward we ride. Who knows if we will make it back

(Y/n): Time now to fight and save the ones we love

Ariana: We're at your side

Rapunzel: Together we'll come through

Everyone: Through the strife, through the fray

Rapunzel: We can't hold back in this time of need

Eugene: We all must heed the call

Everyone: Through the dark

To the day

And as one, we will rise

Marching tall

Through it all

Time now to fight

To face whatever fate may bring

Through it all

Right over might, til victory and freedom ring

Through it all

Stand and unite

For home and hearth and land and king

For love and life and everything

Through it all

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