The Past

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3rd Pov

Rapunzel sat on her bed and continued to draw in her journal adding a new page for Varian and (Y/n) due to their new found good ways. Rapunzel remembered about the battle after she got back from the Dark Kingdom. She shot up from bed "Wait a minute...(Y/n) has control over black rocks which means, oh my gosh she has a part of the Moon Stone's power!?"

(Y/n) Pov

"Dad be careful with the cutters again I don't want you falling" "I got it Sweetie" It's such a lovely day in Corona! "(Y/N)!" Oh my gosh. There possibly goes the good day. "Yes Rapunzel?" "You have the power over the Moon Stone?" "Moon Stone?" Why is she going so fast? "Monty I need to have a talk with your daughter" "...You saved her, I'm only gonna allow this to happen for a few days!" "Good enough!"

"What are we doing in Old Corona?" Rapunzel keeps dragging me around alongside Eugene and Lance. Where's Cass? Rapunzel knocked on Quirin's door and he stepped out "Hello Princess, is there something you need?" "Good morning may we speak to Varian?" He looked at me and I nodded, so he smiled "Go ahead he's at his lab again"

"Varian!" "AH!" Oh not again! "EVERYBODY DUCK!" We got down as the chemical swirled up in the air and stopped and fell. "U-um yes Rapunzel?" "You said (Y/n) has the power of the Moon Stone?!" "I mean yeah, it used to be weak but now it's gotten stronger. It responds to severe emotions, mainly when she's upset or panicking" "Thank you for explaining my life to them" "Anytime Mi'lady" He winked and looked back at Rapunzel. "Varian this is big" "It's not my power, it's up to (Y/n) whether to say it or not" Oh no too many eyes are on me now.

I'm spiraling down again "G-guys I n-need um some-" Everyone looks so concerned. Ugh they want an answer! I-I don't know what to say!

"(Y/n) it's okay"

"No it's not, I-I don't know- mmm" No I can't disappoint them again please stop it.

Please stop it!!!!

My head hurts..

The rocks.. it protected me? It's caging me to protect me?

Okay um.. go away please?

Oh the rocks are spiraling away, okay.

"S-sorry about that" "It's okay" Rapunzel, this is why I always liked her she's so supportive.

"I just didn't want to disappoint anyone again, if I did then everyone would be upset. If everyone's upset I might ju- Ooh gosh no" My legs feel so weak..

"I got you (Y/n)" "Thanks Varian" "Anytime"


Okay deep breathes (Y/n). In... And.. Out..

There we go. "So yes I have an ability to control black rocks, I don't know why or how but I do. I don't have a full control, I-I mean I sometimes do when I'm not spiraling down in pure panic or anger" "We can help you (Y/n), the only question is if you want to use it. If you don't Eugene, Lance and I completely understand" "I mean yeah, crazy power like that is scary. Look what it did to Cassandra" "Lance!" "What- oh right.."


Has the Moon Stone's powers as well...

It corrupted her...

I-It might do the same to me...

Oh no no no not again...

"Wait Cass is bad?" "Well yes, sorta it's complicated. She took the Moon Stone a-"

Why did their voices drown out? Why is everything so dark?!

No no more dark please no more!


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