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"you're skipping work today?"she asked, we're currently here at the front door, i showed her a sly smile and nodded, she sigh and gave me a thumbs up.

"i'll go now, goodbye Tzuyu"she said and turned her back then was about to walk away but i held her hand, she turned her head to face me.

"be careful"i said, she smiled and nodded, "i will" she said but i was staring at her face, she cleared her throat, "you can let go of my hand now" i blinked few times before letting it go, she bowed and smiled then walked away.

I went inside the house and sat on the couch, my phone made a noise so i picked it up, its a text message from my manager.

"are you sick? You didn't go to the meeting today, inform me okay?".

I chuckled, the two unnie must surely care for me, best stylist and manager ever.

"i'm fine, let me rest for a while".

"oh okay, you can go to work on the other day, don't force yourself to work, that's bad, i'll just inform your partner for the movie and her manager okay? Rest now".

"okay unnie".

I put down the phone and sat comfortably on the couch, i didn't go to work without any reason today, i guess i'm just lazy.

I stared at the ceiling, i sigh and closed my eyes.

"should i tell her real soon? I don't need to rush right? Argh, its so confusing".

I heard the doorbell's noise so i stood up with a plain face, i approached the door and opened it, my face didn't change, it remains plain.

"why are you here?"i asked, she pouts and hugged me, i used to love her hugs before but now, it annoys me that much.

"i'm resting, i'm tired to fight"i said so she pulled away from the hug, she sigh and held my cheek, "i'm not here for a fight".

I nodded and went inside, she followed me and closed the door, i went to the kitchen and get a mug, "coffee?" i asked, she nodded and sat on the chair, i picked two cups and made us coffee.

I gave her the cup and sat on the chair also.

"be honest, why are you here?"i asked and sipped on the coffee, she stopped sipping and put down the cup, she sigh and looked at my eyes.

"do you still love her that much?"she asked, i closed my eyes and sipped on my coffee again, trying to avoid her question.

"be honest with me, i don't want to look like a pathetic fool"she added, i put down the cup and looked at her, "i don't know".

She smiled and i can see the bitterness in it, its been a lot of years yet it feels the same. Sana is still special to me but i don't know if i still love her, i can't understand. Maybe its a Yes, or its a No.

"inform me if you still love her okay? This time, i care for your own happiness Tzuyu"she said and smiled, i sigh as she sipped on the cup, "why are you being like this all of sudden?"i asked, she took the cup and sat beside of me, she held my hand and we looked at each other.

"let's fix things Tzuyu"she said, i looked down, i clenched my fist and let out a deep breath, "i'm sorry" she added, i nodded and stood up, "okay, i understand" i said then walked towards our room, i sigh and went inside the room and closed the door afterwards.

"if i can't control myself anymore, or handle the toxic relationship of ours, i'll say goodbye to us Elkie".

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