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Tzuyu's POV

Its nearly 8pm and its time to pick up Sana from her work, i think she's too tired to ride the bus today. I was driving the car with a smile on my face, i already bought the ingredients for the chicken wings we'll make later on.

I raised an eyebrow when i saw another car parked on the spot i usually stopped, i stopped my own car and wait outside, look's like he's waiting for a person inside the store.

He was white and tall but i'm taller than him, i can sense that there's something that isn't good. I saw Sana walked out the store, she stopped from walking and widened her eyes, what's wrong with her?

Sana's POV (again lmao)

I was about to go home but what i saw outside made me shock like, KIM DAHYUN AND CHOU TZUYU is OUTSIDE.

I sigh and ignored them but they called my name, i hissed, gosh i'm in trouble.

"Sana"both of them called, i faced them shyly and widened my eyes, they were both staring at each other, aaaa do they want to start a fight or what?

"who are you?"Tzuyu asked Dahyun, i sigh when Dahyun smirked, oh gosh please, both of you stop.

"i'm Dahyun, Sana's B-"i widened my eyes and stopped them, i went between them so there's no chance of punching each other's face.

"let's go home"Tzuyu said and grabbed my arm, i looked at him with shaky eyes,his stare is dark and cold, the JERK look is back.

"where are you taking her? I went here first"Dahyun said, Tzuyu looked at me, i sigh and looked at Dahyun.

"Sana come on, you can't trust that guy"Dahyun said, i shook my head and bit my lip, "Dahyun.. please go home" i said and Tzuyu put me inside the car, Dahyun was still standing on his place, he didn't moved, he looks so upset, i looked down, i feel sorry.

"don't bother my wife anymore"Tzuyu said and went inside the car, i buckle my own seatbelt and looked at the window, i heard him sigh as he started the car, he drive on the road again.

It was quiet and i don't wanna speak, Tzuyu wasn't giving a word either so, we'll just stay quiet till we reach home.

"i'm sorry"i heard him, thank god he spoke, i looked at him with a plain face, "for what?" i asked, he didn't spare a glance, his aura was still cold.

"did i ruin something that both of you will do?"he asked, i sigh and shrugged my shoulders, "if there's something you should had told me sooner, i don't want to ruin something just like now, look at you, you look upset when you came with me" he added with a cold tone, i sigh and sat back on the seat, i looked down, why is things suddenly became like this? I don't like it.

"Tzuyu.."i mumbled but still, he didn't spare a glance, i think he misunderstood everything he saw or hear earlier.

We reached home and he still didn't talk, i sigh and went outside the car. He grabbed something from the passenger seat and its a paperbag, we went inside the house and he put the paperbag on the fridge then he went inside the room without saying a word.

I approached the fridge and take a look at what's inside that paperbag, my eyes widened and became teary when i saw Chicken Wings with the other ingredients.

"tomorrow, let's cook Chicken Wings together!" he said, i smiled and nodded, he smiled, "promise?" he asked, i nodded again, "i promise!".

I felt my knees weak.. I feel so sorry.

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