the fox lady

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"SENPAI? WHERE ARE YOU?" She hears unfamiliar voices calling her name, all in search of her. She continues dashing around the garden, thankfully a less crowded area during the on-going school festival.

With her kitsune outfit still on, complete with fox ears and tails, her body feels much heavier but tripping should be the last in her worries right now. She needs to hide.

Not looking back, she heads straight, where she spots the volleyball gym nearby. She sees her last chance of escape, hoping that the door is miraculously unlocked.

She extends her hand forward, reaching for the door handle. She slides it open with full force but surprisingly, the metal door is light. So light that she didn't even need to lift a finger. As it opens, a pair of grey eyes meet hers.

The grey-eyed man is visibly as surprised as she is. Several thoughts come fill his mind, forming his first impression of her. Why in the world is a girl dressed as a kitsune right in front of me? And why is she so out of breath? Also, wow, her tails and ears look fluffy. She looks cute too.

The eye contact lasts for another mere split second, up until her name gets called.

"Suiren-senpai? Where are you?" the two of them hear. She sways her head left and right, trying to figure where the voices were coming from.

The rustling of fallen leaves and the growing sound of footsteps follow, making her heart race faster. She quickly looks up at the grey-eyed boy and she places her index finger on the center of her lips.

"Shhh," she hushes. He isn't even saying a word at the moment. He lifts a brow, trying to understand what's going on.

"Come on, senpai, don't be shy!" another masculine voice is heard. They're nearby.

"Please let me inside," she pleads, strangely still appearing so calm and composed.

Unsure with what to do, he simply nods and steps aside, making way for her in the dark gym.

"Oh! Suiren-senpai!" It's too late. They catch up to her, putting an end to the childish chase. Suiren freezes on the spot with nowhere else to run to.

"Oh! A-And, Miya-senpai," they add, all in chorus. They're much more surprised with his unexpected appearance.

"Yes?" he asks, lifting a brow.

"Um," a boy mumbles, out of words to say.

"Do you need something from me or Suiren?" he asks, visibly getting a little irritated. He tries to sound close to her, just for the sake of making them leave.

"Are, are you with Suiren-senpai?"

"Dating?" one of them mutters to the other, already speculating.

"You came all the way here to ask if she's my girlfriend?" he asks, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.

"W-We're sorry!" they say before rushing away from his sight.

"Some fans really are eyesores, aren't they?" he groans as he shakes his head. Afterwards, he turns to his side to face her, who still has a poker face on.

"Thank you for that, Miya-san," she says in monotone and lowers her head in gratitude.

"If you don't mind, I'll get going no-" she adds, ready to leave.

She turns to her side to step out of the entrance but he impulsively holds on her wrist loosely. However, he's cautious enough not to make her uncomfortable and he immediately lets go.

"Wait, they're probably still around," he warns.

"Oh, you're right," she says and looks up at him again, a little shaken up by his sudden touch.

"So, while you're here, fox lady, tell me, what brings you here?"

fox on the run | miya osamuWhere stories live. Discover now