my grey-eyed cookie

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"Chuunchun?" Osamu calls as he slides the door open. He had to bribe Sumi again today to let him sneak in her room. And this time, it's a bribe with yogurt.

"Oh? 'Samu?" she mumbles, sitting up on the bed. Her face visibly lights up with the very sight of him, "Samu."

He quickly enters the room with a bouquet in his hands. "Oh thank god you're okay, the surgery's all good, right? Right? Are you feeling any pai-"

"I'm okay, 'Samu," she chuckles, "But, um, you brought flowers?"

"Oh, yes, but these are fake so don't worry. Wait, do you not like flowers? Like, not just flowers because of your allergy, do you not like flowers at all?" he asks, his nervousness evident on his tone.

"I love everything you give me," she answers with a kind smile, "Even the actual daisies, though I really can't hold those."

"Ah, okay, great, great," he chuckles. "It's such a relief the surgery was a success," he adds as he sits down on the side of her bed.

"Even if it wasn't, well, just forget what I said yesterday. I'm sorry about that, 'Samu," she tells him as he hands over the beautiful bouquet. "And thank you, I've never really had flowers," she continues and places the flowers on the nearby table.

"Oh?" he mumbles, a little surprised with the sudden change of mind.

"I read the letter, I never knew you could be so romantic and sweet," she says before wrapping her frail arms around him.

"Wha- What?"

"I love you too, my grey-eyed cookie," she whispered on his ear before snuggling on his neck.

"You know, I sometimes wonder what I did in my past life to have you in this one," she adds, giggling.

"Chuunchu-," he calls but he's swiftly interrupted by a kiss on his cheek. He gazes at her; neither of them knowing what to say.

"Ah, ah! What am I doing?" Suiren gasps and covers her mouth, flinching away as well, "I'm sorry."

However, as soon as she leans back away from Osamu, he leans forwards towards her and at the same time, his hand holds her jaw and cheeks.

Without giving it another thought, Osamu goes for it. He moves himself to close the remaining distance between them and his soft lips press against hers. Suiren, both surprised and panicking from her own lack of experience with this, simply shuts her eyes and slightly tilts her head.

Quickly after their first kiss, he pulls himself away from her, creating a miniscule gap between them. She slowly opens her eyes and with a distance that close, her mind goes even more haywire, sending more chaos to her head.

But Suiren gradually grows unsatisfied with just the staring and butterflies in her stomach. She leans forward for another kiss and finally, she doesn't let her hands idle.

As unexperienced as she is, she knows very well the parts of his body she wanted to touch. His hair, neck, and broad shoulders, now all tainted with her touch. The same goes for Osamu as he holds her waist with his left hand, and her jaw with the other.

Momentarily, they break the kiss for air, but only to resume the moment soon after.

It's pure euphoria, the gentleness of her fingers as she cards through his hair, the warmth of his hold on her jaw, and the way his thumb caresses her cheek.

Suiren wanted to burn an image of everything in her head because soon, it'll be time for him to go.

"I have to go, Chuunchun," he tells her, eyes filled with regret.

"I know, Mom will be here soon."

"So you believe me?"


"That I really went here. I just couldn't enter."

"Mhmm, that's why I'm sorry, 'Samu. I shouldn't have said those yesterday," she says.

"And I know you've been bribing Sumi to let you in. I'm sorry about that too," she adds.

"Don't say sorry, I promise, it's fine, really," he reassures.


"Anything for you, my Chuunchun," he tells her before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you," he tells her.

"I love you too, 'Samu."

"I'll see you again tomorrow, okay?"

"See you."

And for a span of a few more minutes before leaving, Osamu's able to take his mind off the heart wrenching realization that the letter is not his.

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