director kita's play

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"I have a name, Mister," she says in monotone, looking at him.

"And that is?"

"Tsutsui Suiren," she answers, "And you're Miya Atsumu, right?"

"Close, but not quite."

"I'm sorry. Then you must be Miya Osamu," she guesses, which he responds with a nod.

"Suiren? The play is going to start soon! Suiren?" They hear more interruptions, but good ones this time. At least for her.

"I need to get going, Miya-san," she tells him.

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Thank you very much again," she expresses her gratitude.

"Anytime, Tsutsui-san."

Osamu goes back to the gym to continue his nap, though now a little curious with the play she's in. He lies down on the wooden floor, rethinking about his encounter with the fox lady.

"Suiren!" Miko, one of her classmates, exclaims upon seeing her. Suiren quickly puts her index finger on the center of her lips, telling her to shush.

"Why did you run away?" Acchan, the play costumer, asks.

"I'm sorry," she chooses to apologize than to explain.

"Anyway, let's just go, they're all waiting for you," Miko advises, pacing her walk.

"Okay. I'll apologize to everyone as well."

"No need, we need to start the play," Acchan rejects her idea.


Meanwhile, the play before theirs is already ending, with the narrator saying the last few lines. "Where the hell is Suiren?" Kanai, the writer, asks, panicking.

"I dunno, Tsutsui's probably chased by her fans again."

"This is why I didn't want her to be the lead! She's always either in the field or on the run!" Kanai exclaims.

"Do you see the audience area right now, Kanai? They're here for Suiren," one of the propmakers contradicts her.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting" becomes Suiren's first words when she arrives.

"Finally! Where the hell did you run away to?" Kanai questions.

"I'm very sorry," she repeats.

"Don't be too harsh on Suiren, she's already here," Miko defends.

"Whatever, tell Kita-kun that we're ready," she demands, referring to the director of their play.

Meanwhile, Osamu couldn't resume his afternoon nap, now that the auditorium nearby is getting rowdier and noisier. He turns to his left, then to his right, but he remains wide awake. He gives up and sits up, thinking of where else to go.

"Seeing the fox lady again might be nice," he tells himself, "Or maybe the food stalls."

He grabs his bag, which he used as a pillow, and hangs it on his shoulder, still undecided.

"Oh? That you, 'Samu?" he hears a familiar voice. Without even looking behind, it couldn't be anyone other than Atsumu.

"Where are you going?" the blonde asks, walking alongside his twin.

"I don't really know," he answers, "And you?"

"To the third years' play. Shinsuke-san's directing it."

"He is?"

"Yup. Hurry up, we'll be late."

"We're already late, dumbass," Osamu mocks.

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