which miya?

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"YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SHY, CHUUNCHUN," he says, eager to find out.

"Do you really want to know?" she asks then looked sideways in embarassment, her cheeks burning red. He etches a picture of her in his head.

"Yeah, I can keep a secret," he tells her and he takes a step forward, closing the distance between them.

"It's very embarrassing," she insists, still hesitant, "Do you still want to know?"

"Mhmm," Osamu hums. He isn't going to stop staring anytime soon, she thinks.

Suiren's been gazing at the floor for what felt like hours and he's still patient to her an answer. "What should I do?" she asks herself before subconsciously placing her hand across her arm, another sign of her embarrassment.

"Ah, forget it," he sighs, she couldn't tell if he's disappointment or he's just being playful. "It's alright, you don't have to tell me, Chuunchun," Osamu adds.

"Is this some sort of reverse psychology?" she asks herself, "Because it's working."

"It's fine, really," he continues.

"It's Miya-san," she answers.

"A- Atsumu?!" he gasps out of a mix of shock, disappointment, and perhaps even a bit of anger. Out of all the people out there, he never expected it to be Atsumu. Kita, possibly, but his brother?

"You- You like- Atsumu?" he tries to confirm in a calm manner.

"No, no, it's-" she mutters, finally looking at him. She's even more surprised than he is. She never expected Osamu to make such a silly panicked face. A soft chuckle slips out from her lips.

"It's you, Osamu-san," she clarifies before another chuckle.

"It's me?!" he gasps, more surprised than ever.

"You find that more shocking?" she wonders. All the nervousness is taken over by surprise and it goes down the drain.

"You, you like me?" he asks, though it sounds more like him questioning her choices.

"I just said you were my ideal," she says. It's her mean attempt to tease the already flustered and panicked Osamu. He's not the type she thought would seem a little chaotic.

"It's the same thing," he insists.

"If you say so, Osamu-san."

"So, it's me? You like me? I'm your ideal?"

"You always have," she confirms with a shy smile.

"Oh," he mouths, as if everything that just happened is still sinking in.

"But it's okay if, um," she stammers then looks away, "If you don't do girlfriends."

"I think I'm already content with what we ar-," she adds but he doesn't let her finish.



"I like you. Go out with me," he tells her, and in a way, it seems more like a demand rather than a sweet confession.

"Well this was anti-climatic," she chuckles, furthering the nervousness he refuses to show even more. But at the very least, by then, she's finally comfortable enough to look at him in the eye.

"So the deal is over," she answers.

"Huh? Why? I mean, where did you get that idea?" he wonders. "You really are impossible to read, Chuunchun. Impossible," he emphasizes in a groan.

"I take this as a rejection? Or what?" he asks, confused and lost.

"From now on, let's make this real, Osamu-san," she says with a smile.


"You, you still don't believe me, Osamu-san? I really am an honest person, just so you know," she adds, raising a brow.

"So it's me all along?" he mutters.

"I don't get why you haven't figured it out. You are exactly as I described in my ideal."

Hearing not a single response, she continues. "But, it's not like you simply passed my standards which made me take a liking to you. For the past three mont-"

"Chuunchun, can I kiss you?"

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