no ice cream, no chuunchun

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"Please don't tell me they're still not allowing visitors," Osamu groans, holding a small bouquet of fake flowers on his hand.

"I'm really sorry but I can't let you in, Sir," the nurse says, looking at the flowers with pity.

"At least give these to her? Please?" Osamu requests.

"I'm really sorry, Sir. No one else is allowed. Especially not fans."

"Please? Just the flowers?"

"Nagano-san, Shizuku-sensei's here," another nurse butts in, causing Osamu to sigh. "I'm sorry."

Osamu gives up and turns away from the desk, disappointed and pissed. He walks through the hallway and heads to the exit.

Well, that's what he's supposed to do, not until he spots another familiar figure. An idea pops up in his mind like a light bulb brightening and maybe, it's too early to feel down.

"Hey, Tsutsui-san," he calls. He's sure of it, this is Suiren's sister.

"Huh?" She sways her head and looks up to see him.

"Um, me?" she asks.

"Yeah, you're Tsutsui-san, right? Suiren's sister?" he asks, his tone full of enthusiasm and hope.

"Uhuh, what about it?"

"Ya remember me? Miya Osamu, I was visiting Suiren two days ago," he introduces, "Remember?"


"Oh, haha, well," he tries laughing it off.

"What is it?"

"Ya think ya can help me out here? I just wanna see Suiren," he answers her. No going around the bush this time.

"Oh," the young girl mouths. This is the third time someone asked her for help to see Suiren. Her sister has way more fans than she thought.


"Come on, please? Suiren knows me, I swear, I'm not just a fan," Osamu pleads.

"So you are a fan, Mister."

"No, wait, I mean, I support her but I'm more than just a fan, there," he clarifies, growing a little panicked. She's her only ticket to that forbidden room.


"Yo- You'll help? Okay, thank yo-"

"On one condition."


The girl points at the stacked lunchbox he's carrying. "Oh," Osamu mouths.

"So a bribe of food," he mumbles.

"Okay, sure, you can have this," he obliges.

"Okay, come here tomorrow. 4PM."

"Wait, not now?" Osamu asks.

"Mama's in the room. She'll still be at work by 4PM tomorrow. I won't get caught," she explains.

"Smart kid," he mutters.

"And buy me ice cream too," she demands.

"And sly too," he comments.


"Oh, nothing, nothing!"

"Bye bye, mister. See you tomorrow. Don't be late."

"Yes, Ma'am."


School lunch, for Osamu, always composed of Suiren's onigiri, the annoying blabber of Atsumu, and the calming view of the field. But Osamu never liked the field, he liked the gym much more. The only reason he had ever liked the field was because Suiren's in it. Resting, running, she even eats on the field benches.

And now, it seems too empty. Like a greenery without flowers.

"Is it too much to ask for? Seeing my Chuunchun?" Osamu sighs as he gazes at the field from the classroom window.

"Hey, 'Samu, aren't ya gonna eat that?" Atsumu asks, his eyes already set on the onigiri sitting on Osamu's lunchbox.

"Whatever, do what ya want," Osamu whines.

"Okay!" Atsumu happily obliges, until he has a sudden realization, stopping him from taking a bite. His brother? Giving away food? Food? Really? Anything but his share of food.

"What's up with you?!" Atsumu panics.

"Nothing," Osamu sighs.

"No, no, no, the real Osamu never gave away his food. Not ever," Atsumu protests.

"Fine, I'm an impostor."

"Yer creeping me out!" Atsumu whines, "Who are ya? Where's 'Samu?!"



"Nu uh, take me to Chuunchun first," Osamu says.

"Chuunchun? Like the bird sounds?"

"Chuunchun. Suiren's my Chuunchun.'

"Why Chuunchun?" The endless questions delaying his visit annoys him, but what choice does he really have?

"Tsutsui Suiren. I was gonna call her Tsuntsun but it sounded cold and harsh. So, Chuunchun it is."


"Anyway, can ya take me to her now?"

"No ice cream, no Nee-san."

"Fine," he groaned then unzipped his bag to get his wallet, "Let's get you ice cream."

Osamu heads straight to the nearest convenience store with the young girl. For a second, he begins to doubt a sly and demanding girl would even be related to the kind and soft-hearted Suiren. Either way, at the very least, he'll get to see her.

"Do you really like Nee-san?" the girl inquires as she grabs an ice cream from the freezer.

"She really got the expensive one, huh," he mumbled.

"Hey, mister, am talking to ya," she says, "Do you really like Nee-san?"

"Of course I like Chuunchun," he tells her, wondering if that's even a question.

"Will you still like her if she can't run again?"


"What if we move somewhere really far?"

"Wha- What? Wait, is Chuunchun okay?"

She does not answer.

After a few more minutes, the two go back to the hospital. They pass by the nurse desk and by now, Osamu's sure the nurses know of him and his pesky persistence for visiting.

"I'm with him," the girl tells them with a sweet endearing smile.

"Told ya I'm not a fan," Osamu comments.

At the near end of the hallway is her room and Osamu could barely contain his excitement. The three days felt like decades.

"See ya, mister. Make sure to go in an hour or two. Mama's gonna be here by 7 or somethin," the girl warns.

"Thanks, chibi Suiren."

"The name's Sumi. Don't forget."

Not long after, the girl walks away, giving some alone time for the two. Osamu slides the door open, eager to see his beloved.

"Hey Chuunchun, did ya miss me?" he greets, trying to sound smooth and cool.

"Samu?" Suiren mumbles then sways her head to her right to see him.

"Oh. Osamu," she confirms.

But instead of a smile and an invite for a warm embrace, he's greeted by a frown and her furrowed brows.

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