suiren's ideal

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Suiren pauses as she lays her eyes on the sign, "Year 2- Class 1." She's sure that he's from this class but the amount of stares, and probably even glares, overwhelms her a bit. She slightly looks sideways, hoping to recognize someone from her club.

"Tsutsui?" Osamu's voice breaks the silence, making her look straight immediately. Rintarou spotted her from the window and he's here after his notice.

"Oh, Miya-san, hello," she greets and lowers her head.

"Hey," he says, then glances at the orange lunch box in her hand. His face slightly lights up, getting an idea.

"I made onigiri for you," she tells him as she hands it over to him, "as promised," she adds in a murmur.

"Thanks, Tsutsui-san," he says, grabbing it her from hold.

"I'm not confident with the taste but I hope you like it," she adds with a subtle smile.

"No need to worry," he reassures, already content without needing to see it.

"Then, I'll go now, Miya-san."

"See ya. Thanks again."

With a smile, she parts ways with him and proceeds with her routine. Lunch in the field. It becomes much easier to ignore the gossips around, especially after she plugs in her earphones.

love in my pocket
rich brian

I got love up in my pocket
and I don't know what to do
with it

I got love up in my rocket
and I don't know what to do
with it

I got you up in my dreams
but I'm on stuck in a reality

That you never really felt
the same, it's more like you
were using me

"Tsutsui-san?" she hears a masculine voice, muffled and blocked by her earphones. In response, she turns around and plugs one out.

"Oh, Kita-san, hello," she greets with a bow, "May I help you?"

"I think its the other way around, I think this is yours," he answers, fishing something out from his pocket.


"Your handkerchief. You dropped it in the staircase. Your name's embroided on it," he clarifies as he hands it back.

"Oh. Thank you, Kita-san," she says, surprised to see it still clean and tidy.

"Also, I haven't had the chance to thank you for the play you directed. I couldn't have acted like that if it weren't for you. Thank you, Kita-san," she adds.

"Oh, the play," he mutters.

"I was just doing my job. The class chose me for the director role so I delivered," he tells her.

"But, Kita-san, what are you doing here, by the way?" she asks. The field isn't really a popular spot during lunch, also one of the reasons why she loves that spot.

"I ran an errand for Makimura-sensei. For PE class later," he answers.

"Ah, I see," she mutters, nodding.

"I'll get going now, Tsutsui-san. See you later in class," he says, trying to escape the awkwardness.

"Okay, see you later, Kita-san."

"Suiren! Suiren!" another voice interrupts her music. She pauses it this time.

"Oh, Miko-san," Suiren mumbles before sitting down on her spot. "Hey, where did you go? I just went to the bathroom and suddenly, you're not in the classroom anymore," she complains.

Miko sits next to her, as usual, and she continues flooding her with questions. "Did you go to Osamu-san? Or did you get chased again? I swear those first-years never know when to stop."

"I don't get chased anymore, Miko-san. I believe it's all thanks to Miya-san," she answers.



"That's weird," Miko comments while looking at Suiren's lunch box.

"My food? My mother made this," Suiren defends, a little annoyed.

"No, I mean, you still call him Miya-san?"

"What else am I supposed to call Miya-san?" she wonders before taking a bite.

"Atsumu-san calls him 'Samu," she suggests, thinking of other names.

"They're brothers. I'm just a fri- girlfriend." Suiren almost slips but her deadpan expression makes it hard to tell her mistakes.

"His first name is Osamu, call him that!"

"O- Osamu," she mumbles. It immediately results to a bright red flush on her cheeks, which Miko doesn't notice until later.

"Yeah, there, call him that. Calling your boyfriend by his last name feels so, ugh, so cold and distant," Miko continues whining, "Does he call you Tsutsui, still?"

"Osamu," Suiren mumbles again, ignoring the question.

"No, impossible, I don't think I can call him that," she cries out, shaking her head.

"So you also get flustered, wow! That's a first!" Miko teases, bursting to laughter.

"I am a human girl, Miko-san. I also get nervous and shy," she corrects.

"You claiming that makes you sound less human," she laughs, occassionally slapping her friend's shoulder. "Ow."

"But you know, I'm glad you're with Miya-san." Miko's tone turns serious and sincere.

"Why is that?"

"I can't look after you 24/7, so, it's nice that your boyfriend protects you," she explains, smiling.

Suiren simply responds with a smile as she feels her guilt gradually building up. It doesn't feel so nice lying to her friend but then, she also couldn't bring herself to admit.

"Plus, he's hot. That's everyone's type, right?" Miko chuckles.

"My type, well," Suiren ponders on the question, thinking of the right answer.

"Oh yeah, your type. What exactly is your type?"

Trying to go along with the fake dating deal, Suiren suddenly comes up with the perfect answer. "Miya Osamu is my type."

Meanwhile, on the main school building, Atsumu notices a pair of grey eyes glued to the side of the field. "Oh? You're really into older women now?" Atsumu teases, smirking at his brother.

"Shut up, 'Tsumu," Osamu clicks his tongue, glaring at the blonde, "You make her sound so damn old."

"Well, are the rumors are true? Your fangirls have been real quiet lately," he asks as they continue walking down the hall, "But that's what you like, right? I know, I know."

"Rumors? What rumors?"

"That you're dating Tsutsui Suiren, duh."

"Yeah. Duh," Osamu answers, emphasizing his last phrase mockingly.

"Aw, look at you, getting all flustered and red," Atsumu points out, laughing at his brother, "How cute!"

"Oh shut up," Osamu groans, nudging Atsumu away from him. Atsumu, not letting it go without a fight, playfully pushes him as well, further pissing him off.

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