bonus (x reader headcanons)

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I wanted a sappy kind of ending for our mcs and tbh, I'm happy about it hehe. I hope you liked reading this fic too

anyway, here's some headcanons for boyfriend osamu ♡ it's an x reader so no mention of suiren.


- Osamu isn't the type to shower you with sugarcoated compliments, he doesn't like going overboard with words. And so, his love language, as I would guess, are acts of service and quality time. And a bit of physical touch.

- He's the kind of, "Show, don't tell." When you wake up in the morning, you can already expect a hearty meal prepared by him waiting for you.

- He'd also be the kind to make you meals/food that matches your day or your emotions. Having a bad day? Ice cream and chocolate. He has all your comfort food listed on his head. Just got an achievement? He's already making your favorite meal as a to congratulate you.

- If you don't work with him on the shop, you can definitely expect all your lunches to be homemade. If he can make tons of meals for other people daily, he wouldn't mind waking up extra early to make sure you eat well on your work breaks.

- And this remains true even when you're mad at each other. Even on days he wouldn't speak to you, or you won't talk to him, or both, he'd leave a bento on the dining table with a sticky note of your name on it.

- For Osamu though, he'd be happy to receive any form of affection you're comfortable with. But the love language he appreciated the most would be acts of service.

- He's a busy man. He's doing all he can to improve and expand his shop. I mean, that's his passion, right? Have you seen the glow on Osamu's face when he was in Miya Onigiri? That said, he'd appreciate it the most if you also took the time to help him out.

- So if you do work in Onigiri Miya as well, expect the light and subtle touches during your stay. Holding your hand as you wait for customers to arrive, kissing your cheek and forehead on your breaks. He just loves having you around.

- While Osamu can keep his cool more often than Atsumu usually does, there are times he'd also snap out of it and become much more emotional. And you are no exception to that.

- I don't see small petty arguments taking place in your relationship with him. Well, maybe, at times, yes, but Osamu isn't the type to dwell on trivial matters.

- So when he snaps, he raises his voice, no, not exactly yell, but he'd feel the need to make himself louder for you to listen. And not only that, since he's generally the more cautious one in the relationship, he'd press you with your mistakes. "I told you so," type of arguing.

- Osamu doesn't dwell on petty matters, but he definitely takes time to forgive and forget. Expect days and days of not talking. And if you think his anger would fade by time, you're wrong.

- now back to the fluff !!!

- To be honest, Osamu would be one of the best boyfriends in Haikyuu to live with. He splits chores with you, open for some compromise when you're too tired to do them too, and most of all, the best cook.

- Imagine your meals life to be typically comprised of Osamu's cooking for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

- However !!! Osamu does tend to be lax, especially after a long day in the shop so don't expect your house to be squeaky clean (sorry sakusa)

- Osamu is always alwaaays the big spoon. He also has the habit to have his thumb trace mini circles on your hand as he cuddles you. Oh to be cuddled by the Miya Osamu.

- I think Osamu does like the idea of having kids. He wants to see those cute chaotic mixes of you and him just running all around the house.

- But then again, he's busy. He's too busy working on his dreams, he's too busy for that. For now, at least.

- He'd only truly settle and would want a family once he's satisfied with the way things are with his business.

- And when the right time comes and you're (finally) having a kid with him, he'd be ten times busier. Reading those "what to expect" kind of books, and a long list of weird google search history.

- Before and after work, he'd talk to your baby bump and just "spend some time" with the baby. And he'd really take it seriously, he'd really share how his day has been and such.

- "You're going to be as beautiful as your mom," he'd murmur as he caresses your tummy.

- But being the chaotic guy he (sometimes) is, one way or another, he'd bring up Atsumu to the baby.

"Uh oh. Y/N, I just realized something."


"Our kid is gonna confuse me for 'Tsumu. And 'Tsumu for me," he groans. You'd think he's just kidding but he's really thinking hard.

"And?" you laugh.

"No, no, I can't live with my kid calling 'Tsumu Papa!"

"You want them to call you Papa, 'Samu?"

"Papa," he mumbles, feeling giddy inside. You could tell.

- (Also, I see him as the type to prefer a small and intimate traditional wedding rather than a western-style one!)

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