Chapter 8

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Sunday had gone by in a flash and school started at 8 in the morning for everyone on Monday. The girls were bright eyed and completely made over by the time the boys got up. Summer touring and all-nighters kept the boys from waking up before noon on most days.

"You boys ready to party!" Savana said, putting her backpack on and standing proudly by the kitchen table.

"Up yours." Michael smiled as he passed her to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, "Why are you so excited, anyway?"

"I get to work with babies all day! I've been excited since I was accepted into the child care program." Savana clapped her hands.

Michael laughed, "Well, good for you. I'm in an ACT course because my mom wants me to get a year 12 certificate."

"And?" Savana shrugged as Sierra and Lindsay put their shoes on. "It's good that your mom still cares about your education. She wants to see you succeed, not only in your music career, but also in your academics."

Sierra and Lindsay walked over to Savana, "Okay, you can stop flirting now, we have classes to get to."

The day started out monotonously. Lindsay headed to her first English class of the term, Sierra to biology and Savana to the day care center.

The boys started their day with online classes. They all sat at the table with their laptops, notebooks and a pen each.

"So," Liam started, "How do you guys feel about the girls?" 

Michael, half paying attention, threw his pen onto the table and looked at him, "I want Savana. I don't care how. We could be just holding hands everywhere we go, that's it. I just want her to be my person." 

"They've lived here for, like, three days. How do you know you want her specifically?" Luke smiled. 

Michael shrugged, "I don't know. She's really pretty, nice and understanding. Yeah, she can be a raging bitch sometimes, but so can Luke, and I've been with him way longer than I've known her. I just feel like I love her, but it's probably me just being an idiot." 

Ashton shrugged, "I feel the same way about Sierra," He half-smiled as he tapped his pen against the table, "She's so caring about every living thing, no matter how small or insignificant. It makes me so happy to see her happy." 

"Why don't you tell them?" Harry spoke. Everyone looked at him with confusion and shock. "It'd be the easier thing to do instead of harboring your feelings and creeping them out by following or staring at them when they're in the room. What could go wrong?"

Louis held his arms across the table, "Um, they could move out, go back home and take classes at their local community college? Ash and Mike would never see them again." He stood up, "I have an idea: ask them on a date. Just one single date, and impress them there." 

"Why do we have to take them out?" Michael slouched in his seat, "Can't we try here first?" 

"Yeah," Zayn said, "If you want all of us hearing, sure." 

Louis shook his head, "Just wait until they get back from their classes and do it whenever you feel you're ready." He nodded as he put a head phone in, listening to his online lecture. 

Ashton and Michael looked at one another and shrugged, following suit and taking notes. 

Niall listened in the entire time, knowing what he'd ask Lindsay once she got back from her classes. He took out his phone and asked what time she'd be back from the campus. She sent a smiling emoji with 'Well, I'm between classes and waiting for S and S so we can go eat, why?'

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