Chapter 28

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Lindsay hadn't eaten or drank anything in the days that followed her and Niall's fight. She was too scared to leave the room. She knew she'd either see Calum or Niall, and she didn't want that happening. 

On the other hand, Niall had been drinking himself half to death most nights. He'd go out to different bars every night, coming home at 3 or 4 every morning. He wanted to drink the pain away or numb it, even. He didn't want to think about what he did to her, much less what Calum did. 

"Linds," Savana sat up in bed, "You need to eat something. I told Mikey to grab you some dinner, and Sierra and Ashton will join us. We'll make a night of it." 

Lindsay sighed from her bed, "I'm not hungry." She spoke quietly. 

"You've bee in bed for days, you haven't been up for water or food, and you haven't gone to the bathroom at all. Lindsay, this is severely unhealthy, and I love you. I can't watch you waste away like this. You're eating." Savana insisted. 

Lindsay felt bad. She wanted to fight this battle on her own front, and Savana gave it all she had, literally. She passed out standing up for her. She felt like she owed Savana for what she did, but didn't know how to repay her. 

"Lindsay," Savana said as Michael walked in with three plates of food, "I was talking to Josh and he said that, if you wanted, you could stay with them for a while. One of their housemates just moved out, so they've got an extra room." Lindsay knew it was a suggestion that Savana wanted her to say yes to, "I think it would be a good idea, y'know? For you to get out of the house and have the freedom to walk around." 

"I'll think about it," She sat up in bed, and thanked Michael for the food. "I just, do you think he'll ever apologize?" 

Michael looked up, "Lindsay, from what Savana's told me, I think you both have some apologies to make, and some explanations for one another. I can tell you right now that he's in a hell hole trying to make sense of it all. He's been black out drunk every night since then, and he talks about you never loving him again." Michael had been the only one that knew how Niall felt about all this. Savana was bed ridden and Lindsay hadn't left her bed in days. 

Sierra walked in, and let Michael leave. She sat at her desk and ate while talking, "We understand if you don't love him anymore, but you should know that he still loves you. I'm not saying that you should date him again, but I am saying that maybe you should take the bull by the horns and kickstart an apology." 

"There's a reason why that's a bad idea," Savana spoke before Lindsay had a chance, "If you apologize first, that gives him leeway to start taking advantage of your heart. You have heart that encompasses the world, Linds. You shouldn't settle for mediocre or abusive. He may have some qualms, but he was way more in the wrong than you were. You don't have to apologize first."

"Niall's head is so far down a beer bottle right now, that apologizing is the last thing on his mind. I think it would kick his ass into gear if Lindsay decided to start that conversation up. It wouldn't make him take advantage of her, it would make him see that he may have ruined his chances with her. Also, it would make him realize how good of a person she is." 

Lindsay hated them bickering, "Please, stop. I know that both of us were wrong, I get that, butI really think that he should apologize. I haven't done anything to warrant shouting and telling me that I'm easy. All I did was avoid the confrontation of it all." She sighed, putting her plate down on her desk, "I thought we'd be together forever. We even talked about baby names a lot because we both want one or two. I picked boys' names, Oliver Luke or Josiah Matthew. He said he loved them."

Savana angled herself towards her, "What about girl names?" She was smiling.

"Not yet, I kind of wanted Niall to think of some for a girl." She smiled sadly, "Have you guys talked about it with your boys yet?" 

"Yeah, actually." Savana sighed, "We're both totally on board for having one eventually, and he said I can name it whatever I want. As long as we're healthy, he'd be happy with anything. For a girl, I like Genevieve Rose, and for a boy, I like Elliot Alexander." She smiled and sat up slowly. "What about you Sierra? Have you and Ashton talked about it?" 

She shrugged, "Not too into detail. We haven't been dating long. The fans don't even know about the relationship. I would like it, but I'm not sure with our schedules. We both travel the world a lot, and we'd hardly ever see each other." 

"I can see that being a barrier." Lindsay said as she brought her knees up, "I just wish he'd say something. Sav, I might take you up on that offer for Josh's place." 

Lindsay's phone went off. It was a text, and she didn't want it to be the stranger texts that had been harassing her. She looked and it was Niall. 

'NiNi: I like Esme or Aspen Maura, by the way'

Lindsay smiled at the message and looked at the 30 other notifications from the same strange number. One message sticking out in particular, 'How's she feeling? I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Had you not gone off without me, she wouldn't be suffering. This is all your fault.' She looked at it, confused. "Hey, Sav? When you were at dinner, just before you had your reaction, was anything different? or did someone say something to you?" 

"Uh, I remember the waitress that brought out our dessert was a different one than the rest of the night. Our regular waitress was short with a pixie cut, but the other girl was tall and lanky with brown curly hair. She kinda had a small mouth, I guess? Why do you ask?" 

Lindsay looked at her with wide eyes, "You were purposefully given peanuts. She wanted to kill you to make my life miserable and wanted to pin the blame on me. She watched Mikey get up to use the bathroom, and brought it out at the soonest possible moment so you'd spend longer suffocating alone. She wanted to make sure you nearly died." Lindsay looked down at her phone, "And I know exactly how to find her."

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