part two

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4 months later...

I strode through the airport, suitcase in hand, trailing behind me as I scanned the bustling crowds for a certain British actor friend of mine. Airports are unknown territory for me, let's just say that I didn't go on holiday much as a kid, and my normal salary doesn't exactly justify frequent international trips. There's something I find incredibly un-nerving about airports that I've never been able to quite place, it probably has something to do with the impending flight - I hate heights, but even worse, I hate heights when I'm suspended over an ocean, flying in a metal box. Suddenly I feel a firm tap on my shoulder and I swiftly snap around as a huge smile grows on my face as he beams back down at me.

"TOMMY!" I squeal as I practically jump into him with a hug. He catches me and his arms wrap around me with equal affection as he spins me around. Placing me back down his hands squeeze my shoulders.

"Holy shit Margot - you're fucking jacked." He notes and I bend over in laughter. He was right, Marvel had put me on a rigorous training programme and diet for the past few months and I'd definitely gained some muscle.

"I'm jacked? Have you seen yourself?! You know, I still remember when you were a skinny 12-year-old leaping around stage. I guess I should start getting used to this new 'super buff, superhero, superstar Hollywood actor' version of Tom Holland." I sarcastically quipped at him.

"Shut up," he laughs as he playfully hits my arm and we start walking through the airport.

We were in Heathrow in London, flying out to Atlanta in the states to begin filming the movie and I was crazy excited. The big fears I had about the movie slowly dissipated as time went on, I had read the script and been training for a while so I was itching to get on set once the initial novelties wore off. Due to my rather extensive dance background, I actually turned out to be a natural in the stunts and fight training, it very quickly became my favourite part of the job. Tom had briefed me a bit on life on and off set during these sorts of things and started to feel really good about it all. I felt ready.

"Excited to start filming then?" Tom asks turning to me. I take a minute to properly acknowledge the sunglasses and cap he's sporting in attempts to hide his identity and make his was through the airport 'incognito'. I would mock I'm for his laughable attempt at a disguise, but it seems to be working for the pre-occupied crowds of the airport, so I choose to ignore it.

"Very" I reply to his question. "I cant wait to get stuck in to all the action stuff, put all those hours in the gym to good use". I say while faking a punches and kicks to the air.

Tom turns to me with a devilish smirk, teeth showing, "Yeah, I bet that's not the only thing you can't wait to get stuck into" he says slyly before quickly turning away from me and swiftly making his way over to a small coffee kiosk that was to our left. I quickly jog over to catch up with where he stands in line and hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, still confused about his weird, swift exit and previous statement.

Looking all too proud of himself me smiles and looks down at me. "I don't know M, maybe it's got something to do with a certain scene you've got with a certain super soldier that involves a certain kiss..." he states with a insinuating tone as he reaches up and slides his sunglasses down his nose as he looks at me suggestively.

Blushing with the sudden realisation of what he was talking about I force myself to look away. I knew the exact scene that he was referencing, and honestly wouldn't have given it an ounce of thought if Tom hadn't been relentlessly teasing me about it ever since he found out. In the movie my character - Riley - has a sort of back and forth flirty relationship with Steve Rogers (or Captain America if you prefer) which, in one scene, ultimately leads to them kissing. But that's all it was right? A kiss. Then why was I so worried about it? I mean I've kissed many people before, and believe me when I say I'm no virgin either, but I'd never done anything on screen, and even thinking about the pressure of everyone watching makes me fall into a nervous sweat.

God, I am so dumb this is so insignificant! I think, forcing my worries to the back of my mind, locking them up, and snapping my eyes back up to meet Tom's smug gaze with a smile - I refuse to give him this satisfaction.

"Yeah Tom, very mature." I say to him. "I've told you before, it doesn't bother me, its part of the job and neither pleases nor displeases me. So if you just drop it that would be very much appreciated." I continue, hoping to shut him up.

This time Tom turns away from my defensive gaze and reaches up to fully remove his sunglasses from his nose before hooking them onto the collar of his shirt. "Whatever you say" he replies with a hint of sarcasm, not fully convinced, "don't take this the wrong way, but even I could get a little excited for a kiss with the one and only Mr Chris Evans, he's a good looking guy and not exactly unsuccessful with the ladies." He winks.

I giggled at his response. "Yeah well maybe I'm not 'ladies'." I dismissed. "I'm sure he's lovely, but I don't mix business with pleasure, and kissing someone in front of an entire cast and crew doesn't exactly bring me pleasure". I'd never met Chris but I had seen a few of his movies, he was a great actor from what I had seen, and, in truth, I was excited to work with him. I'm not sure if the fact that I don't know him helps or hinders me when it coming to terms with the kiss scene, but from what very little I had heard about him, he did seem nice, and I hoped that he'd help make that moment a little less awkward for everyone involved. Hell, he'd probably done this a thousand times before and wont think twice about it - ugh why do I have to overthink everything all the time, I'm always so in my head.

We reached the front of the coffee line, Tom ordered a black coffee for himself (he doesn't take well to morning flights) and a tea for me. I've never been able to stand the taste of coffee, even the smell sometimes makes my stomach turn. Tom used to be the same, but when his schedule stared to pack out and he spent more time in the states, the drink seemed to grow on him.

"I still can't believe you drink that stuff now" I tell him as the barista hands us our drinks and I blow on the milky brew I'd been handed as we walked away before taking a long sip.

"Yeah you may say that now, but after weeks of 5am starts you'll be eating your words."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see. At least for now I'm going to stick with tea - its my safe place." I say, dramatically holding the cup close to me. Tom falls into laughter, nearly spilling his coffee all over himself which makes me chuckle beside him. I look up from Tom and at the screen detailing flights from our gate, and see that ours is now boarding - my breathing picks up speed as I realise that I'll shortly be flying over the Atlantic ocean in a plane. Shit.

Tom looks at me and quickly realises what's wrong, he removes his duffel bag from his shoulder and places it on the floor so he can hold both my shoulders, making my head jolt up so my panic ridden eyes meet his sympathetic gaze. "Hey, Margot don't worry. I've done this flight countless times, it'll be okay, and I'll be next to you the whole time in case you need a hand to hold or just a distraction so you don't think about the flight, yeah?" My panic begins to soften in his gaze and I look down at my feet, suddenly embarrassed at was was probably an over reaction.

"Sorry Tom, I don't know why I'm getting like this," I look back up to look him in the eyes "but thank you... you know for caring."

"Hey no worries, and don't be sorry, I'm here." He smiles and reassuringly grabs my hand and squeezes it, picking his bag back up with the other. "Come on, lets go, can't miss our flight and be late for your first day of work."

And just like that we were heading off to board the plane - Hollywood bound.

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