part nine

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Currently suspended fifteen feet in the air by metal ropes, I was on set about to film an action sequence with Scarlett. Whilst I'm sure that the scene will turn out amazing, and I'll end up looking great, being hung up here with my legs dangling around, I'm definitely not feeling too glamourous. Very far from it.

Still waiting for the Russo's to give us the cue to start, Scarlett called up to me from the set floor. "Looking pretty comfortable up there Peters." Smirking.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. "Funny, though let me tell you, if there's one thing that's definitely not comfortable, it's the killer fucking wedgie this harness is giving me."

She laughed and smiled back up to me. "Definitely been there before."

It was now 3 weeks into filming and I was really pleasantly surprised by how quickly I was accepted into the cast, and became fast friends with pretty much all of them. Unsurprisingly I seemed to become closest to Scarlett and Elizabeth - keeping close to the girls was very much necessary when the cast was so outnumbered with men - I swear you could sometimes smell the testosterone. 

Considering we filmed a lot of our scenes together, Chris and had also become pretty close too, and I'd definitely be lying if I said I didn't have a little crush on him, well, maybe not little, more like fucking enormous. Every time I'm around him I either can't stop staring, say something stupid, or most of the time - both. We had actually got along really well, sure we were flirty, but that was just the nature of our relationship and I knew nothing would come of it. I honestly just liked having him as a friend and was very much fine with that.

"Alright Margot, are you ready to go?" Joe Russo called out to me.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied.

"Okay, drop on one... two... three... ACTION!"

The stunt team lowered the ropes and I dropped to the ground, ready to perform the fight choreography. Scarlett raced towards me, immediately throwing out a kick to my legs which I jump over to dodge, quickly finding my feet again. I throw a punch at her, she throws several at me and we go on like this for a while until I 'lose my footing' and she grabs my wrist, spinning me around so my backs to her chest and her forearm is pinned around my neck.

She speaks from behind me. "I'm kind of tired of you showing up all the time, are you going to make this easy for both of us and tell me who sent you, or am I going to have to kill you."

I laugh, "Oh, Agent Romanoff, I'd like to see you try." I say smirking. I jab my elbow into her side so she releases her arm from my neck, and start to head to the 'window' on the other side of the set, she reaches to her side for where a gun should be, but finds nothing.

"Looking for this?" I ask holding up a small handgun. "Don't look so sad Romanoff, it happens sometimes." I throw the gun back towards her. "We should do this again sometime" I finish before jumping from the fake window.

"Shit." Scarlett says before the director calls cut and I come back around from the other side of the set.

"Well done guys," Joe says "I don't think we'll have to do that one again so you can get unhooked Margot and then we'll all take a 20 minute break before we get started on the next one." I nod and thank him.

I smile at the stunt team as they start to unhook me from the harness linking me to the ceiling and Scarlett comes up to me.

"Hey, you did well with the ropes, they can get pretty scary but they're so uncomfortable."

I laugh "Thanks." I smile. "I was nervous but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I kind enjoyed it."

"You're a natural. Anyway I've got to go outside and make a couple calls, so I'll catch up with you in a bit?"

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