part four

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"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow esteemed actors, actresses and my well respected peers" Anthony anounces to the group, me behind him. "The day has finally come, and it is my honour - as strongests avenger - to announce-"

"-Just shut up and get to the point Mackie" Scarlett Johansson interupts and Anthony stops and looks at her with what I can only call a 'don't-you-dare-interupt-me-i-was-having-a-moment look. Silence falls for a few seconds as they seem to stare eachother down.

"Anyway..." Sebastian picks up. "What he was trying  to say-", he glares at Anthony before turning back to the group with an expression that could match that of an excited puppy. "-is she's here!"

"Who's here?" Chris Hemsworth asks him. Sebastian and Anthony smile and glance at eachother before moving apart to reveal me behind them to the rest of the group. I raise my hand in a nervously lackluster wave.

"Hi, I'm Margot!"

Suddenly I'm met with a tidal wave of welcomes from the group as they all introduce themselves simultaniously from their seats, and I honestly dont know what to listen to. At least they all seem excited to meet me? My breathing slowly begins to pick up anxiously and with blurry vision in my flustered state I notice movement in the back of the gathering and see someone getting up and making their way towards me. My eyesight clears as I attempt to gather myself as they near, and I realise who it is.

Holy shit its Robert Downey Jr.

Pull yourself together.


He reaches me and I extend my hand for a handshake, but he pushes it away and pulls me into a very much unexpected hug.

"Hi" I say quietly under his embrace.

"Hi." He replies in a much more convincing tone than I had. "I'm Robert" He continues as he realeases me from his arms and does end up shaking my hand. "And you must be-"


"Right. Well, it's nice to finally meet you Miss Margot." He says, still holding my hand as he bends down and I let out another giggle - I have to stop doing that. "I'm sorry about this lot," he turns to the other cast mates giving them a glare before adressing them, "C'mon guys thought we talked about verbally assulting the new blood" and continuing under his breath - "especially if they're British."

A famillar voice calls out, "Hey! That's not fair!", it was Tom, I waas so wound up in my head that I never even noticed him sitting there, and him being here sent a wave of reassurance through my mind and I relax a bit. "You suck Downy, being British is awesome" He contiues, flashing me a toothy grin.

"Whatever kid." Robert says bluntly and turns back to me with a smile. "Anyway, let me introduce you to this bunch of degenerates. I see you've already met these two-", He points his finger between Anthony and Sebastian, you exchange smiles with the two. He begins to point to the rest of the group, detaling their names as he continues - like you already dont know them all, "There's Scarlett, Mark, Jeremy, you already know Tom, Elizabeth, Chris 2", I see Hemsworth scowl at his second placement, "And me!" He says proudly. "We currently seem to be missing Chris 1", he turns to the table. "Has anyone seen Evans?"

I immediately feel my face heat.


I havent even met the guy and im feeling nervous.

I look across the table and lock eyes with Tom, who is staring directly at me with the biggest shit eating grin I'd ever seen in my life - he saw. I shake my head with a smile and look down to my feet.

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