part three

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I walked onto set for my first day, still in somewhat of a daze from the lack of sleep - what can I say, jetlag's a bitch. I would've walked with Tom but he sent me a text this morning saying he had been called on earlier so that they can make adjustments too his costume, so that left me alone and nervous as hell. I was, however, thankful for my wardrobe choice this morning as the morning chill nipped at my neck. I had definitely gone for function over fashion with my warm jumper tucked loosely into my jeans, but I did have my favourite red jacket layered over my clothes made the outfit slightly less boring. I often referred to the jacket as my 'lucky coat' and I felt like I was probably in need of said luck today.

I decided to walk to set this morning as the studio had put us all up in this block of small apartments that were just a few minutes walk away from where we were shooting, so I was thankful for the short commute. Since filming was supposed to go on for serval months, it was nice to have a place that was less like a hotel and more like somewhere I could actually live for a while. The apartment was simple but nice. Upon entry there was a small sitting area with a sofa and a TV, which led onto a kitchen/dining area - which was basically a fridge, oven and stove built into the countertop, and a little table off to the side with a couple chairs to eat at. Before the kitchen, there was a door which led to the bedroom where there was a double bed next to the farthest wall by the window, and various furnishings around the room - a closet which was positioned close to the doorway, a larger chest of draws against  the left wall next to a bedside table which was aptly next to the bed. The bathroom was en-suite, so attached to the bedroom, by the door, and was strangely probably bigger than mine at home - it was definitely cleaner at least. It had a shower, toilet and a sink with cabinets above and below the basin. In short, the accommodation was nice and definitely met my needs.

Still half asleep I made my way to my trailer, well, tried to at least. The sun was still coming up and I had no idea where I was, or honestly even where I was going. With the orange morning light flooding the apparently deserted site, I was starting to get kind of creeped out as I weaved through the narrow aisles between the white trailers. Almost like a horror movie, I heard one of the doors behind me fling open. My breath caught in my throat as I whipped my head around to find out the source of the noise. I let a relieved breath out and began to relax when I recognised the figure standing in the doorway of the trailer - it was Anthony Mackie. He looked at me, seemingly amused by my overly-scared reaction to his exit.

"Hey there little red, you look lost" he mused, referencing my loud coloured coat as he hopped down the stairs of his trailer and mad his way towards me. "Didn't mean to scare you there, I'm Anthony" he continued as he stopped in front of me with a friendly smile and an outreached hand which gladly shook.

"Hey Anthony" I said, making an active effort to come across as friendly as I could. "I'm Margot." I smiled.

"Ah so you're the new kid everyone's talking about. You've caused quite the buzz around here with all this mystery business" He says waving his hand about, "No one seems to have met you yet - makes me wonder, what you got to hide..." He inquires, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

I laughed "Nope, nothing to hide, just not from around here, kinda new to all this big movie set thing too, so please excuse me if you find me walking around lost like a fool... which I guess you already have." I finish, embarrassed, heat creeping up my cheeks - probably making them turn a similar shade of  red to that of my coat.

"No worries, I'm happy to help you find your way around now if you need. I was just on my way to grab myself something to eat - this body don't work all by itself." he remarks, flexing his biceps, drawing a giggle from me. "The rest of the guys tend to be down there around now so if you want to come with they'll finally get a chance to meet yo' ass."

I laughed again "Yeah that'd be great, thanks!" He smiled this charming smile that I had a feeling only he could produce and held his hand to motion for us to begin our walk.

"So Margot " He begins, putting emphasis on my name as he uses it for the first time. "Exactly just how new around here are you, I assume you're staying at the building with everyone else, so who have you met so far?"

"Aside from you?" I start and he nods. "Surprisingly no one..." he looks at me somewhat shocked. "Oh, I know Tom, but I suppose that might not count since I met him years ago."

"Holland?" he adds as we turn a corner.


"Now that's surprising, I'd have never expected a nice girl like you to hang around with a little asshole like him."

"Hey," I replied laughing, "He's not that bad. He's definitely little, but I wouldn't quite call the kid an 'asshole', he's actually probably my best friend, I owe him a lot..."

"You two seem close." He continues.

"Yeah, we are, if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be here right now."

"Well I'm glad you are." He smiles then turns and gestures to the doors of the white tent behind him which is what I can only assume to be the catering tent. "You ready then?" he asks. I nod, uncertain if my words will tell him otherwise. I take a deep breath to centre myself before following him inside.

They're just your co-workers

Its no big deal

I look up into the room to see several groups of people standing around talking, and some sitting down and eating. The atmosphere seems friendly and I begin to be put at ease, but I can't help but wonder if I'm the only person here who doesn't already know the rest of the room... like I'm just an outsider.

Anthony seems to be scanning the room, looking for someone when he yells across the room "YO SEABASS!" Surprisingly most people in the room continue their conversations, as if nothing had happened, making me realise that his antics probably aren't exactly abnormal around here, again putting me further at ease as the playful nature of the set becomes more evident. I follow Anthony's eye line to find who he's shouting for, and I see the brown haired man turn and I'm hit with his steel blue eyes.

Holy shit, that's Sebastian Stan.

He begins to walk towards us with a smile planted on his face until he reaches us.

Be cool.

"Hey Sebastian... guess who I found," Anthony says to him with a smirk.

Sebastian gasps dramatically, "Is this?..." He asks, pointing towards me and I cant help but laugh. Besides me Anthony nods furiously.

"It is" he confirms and Sebastian turns to me with an exaggerated, dumbfounded look, and I can't help but laugh again.

Addressing me Sebastian says "Well, well, well, if it isn't the ever illusive Margot Peters."

I hold my hand up and speak between giggles "Guilty as charged".

He continues "Ya know, you got a couple of us round here thinking you weren't real, when did you get here, and where have you been!?"

I laugh, AGAIN, "I'm not surprised, I got in a couple days ago and I've spent most of the time sleeping, I'm so not used to this time zone so I haven't really given myself a chance to meet anyone yet."

Sebastian lets out a genuine chuckle as turns back to Mackie. "I guess we'll just have to change that then won't we?"

"Damn straight we will." Anthony replies and points across the room to a large gathering of who I quickly realise is the rest of the cast. "Looks like they're all over there, let me introduce you." I once again find myself following Anthony Mackie through the maze of tables, except this time Sebastian in tow. This is it. I gulp - hard. Sebastian must have sensed my apprehension and sends me a reassuring smile. Slightly more at ease, we reach the group...

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