part twelve

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Stood above the sink, I splashed water onto my face and looked into my reflection coming back at me from the mirror above. I was alone in my trailer before filming began, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hiding from everyone. It had been about a week since Chris started giving me the cold shoulder, and he didn't seem to be letting up. He hadn't tried to speak to me, nor had he tried to call or text. If we happened to find ourselves in a conversation with others, it seemed like he would just tune me out completely - even when we filmed together he seemed distant. 

The rest of the cast had caught on, and when I say that made our working environment awkward, I mean it. At this point I was very much over it, and just wanted to get through the rest of this movie without utterly combusting (I'd think about the rest of the movies in my contract another time). Considering the circumstances, I'd actually been getting on okay on set, however I had a feeling that was going to change today. I was supposed to be filming a scene with Chris, and as if that wasn't enough by itself already, it was the scene where we were supposed to kiss.


There was a knock on my trailer door. Putting on the best smile I could, I opened it. It was Tom, hiding under an umbrella in the pouring rain. Strangely enough I think I had been so caught up in my own world that I hadn't even noticed it was raining until now.

"Hey Tom." I smiled at him.

"Hey." He smiled back, "I think they're ready for you on set now if you want to come now."

I sighed. "Okay, let's go." 

I jumped down the steps of my trailer and began the short walk towards set with Tom beside me, crouching under the shelter of his umbrella. It felt a lot like I was walking to some sort of doom, especially with the weather, but then again I sort of am.

"Nervous?" Tom asked.

"Nervous? No. At least I don't think so." If this had been three weeks ago, I probably wouldn't have been able to contain my nerves now, but it wasn't, it was now and now was different. "I think I just want to get it over and done with so I can move past this." I answered truthfully.

Tom nodded. "Well it's definitely not long to go now," He said. 

As we closed in on set I noticed Sebastian and Mackie stood together just outside.

"What are you two doing here?" I called out to them, "I thought you were done for the day and leaving." 

"And miss the show?" Anthony said smugly behind his smile. "Never."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You never quit do you?" He shook his head, "And what about you Stan, come to watch me suffer too?"

He grinned at me, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Well then," I said, "Let's make it a good one." Then turned on my heel, walking to the set and out of the rain.

As I approached the filming area, I noticed that Chris wasn't here yet. I couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad thing - it did give me more time to prepare myself, but it also felt like it was prolonging my suffering. 

Spotting the Russos, I made my way towards them.

"Hey guys." I said, prompting them to turn around to face me.

"Hi Margot." Joe spoke.

"Where do you want me?" I asked.

Anthony looked at his watch, "Well, Chris will be here any second, and since it's just you and him I guess you can just go ahead and take your mark."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled then took my place on the set.

Joe spoke to me from off by the cameras. "Seems like you've got an audience today." He said, gesturing to the clowns watching on the side.

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