part seven

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My eyes drifted open to meet the morning light filtering through the curtains from the window next to the bed, I squinted them shut to avoid the disturbing brightness. In reality, the light was probably not that bright, however, to my very sensitive - and hungover - eyes, it felt fucking blinding. I stretched out my legs under the covers to relieve them from their cramped up nights sleep and rolled over to lay on my other side, letting out a gentle yawn. I finally open my eyes once facing away from the window, and when I do I immediately shoot up and sit in the bed. 

I was not in my room.

I looked around the bedroom and took note of the unfamiliar objects, trying to place where I was. The layout of the room was very similar to mine, so I gathered that I was in the same apartment block that I was staying at. I sighed gladly knowing that I wasn't far away. Turning to my left I looked at the bedside table, and noticed the wrist watch and bottle of men's cologne. Well at least that answers that question then, I was definitely in a man's room.


I was in a man's room.

I lifted the covers up slightly from my legs and peeped under to try and determine last nights events from my morning attire. Whilst I still managed to have kept my underwear on, it seemed that I was only wearing a shirt, a man's shirt. Underwear's a good sign though right? I cant hav-

"You're awake."

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my head snapped to the doorway, to the man addressing me from against the doorframe, and audibly gasped at who I saw.

"Chris?" I reacted. A very sexy Chris too. It looked as if he'd just come out of the shower, hair floppy and wet, water teasing and trickling down his impressively muscular torso (very impressively muscular) and reaching the towel slung around his lower half, hanging perfectly low on his hips. My teeth may or may not have sunk into my lower lip at the sight of him - I'm not proud.

"That's my name." He winked and walked into the room. Nearly choking for the second time in what was probably just over 24 hours, I was snapped out of a daze for the second time in what was probably just under 24 seconds. With my thoughts flowing somewhat normally again, my brain started to connect the dots.

Did I have sex with Chris Evans?

He was rummaging in his drawers on the other side of the room, probably looking for something to wear. I couldn't quite tell yet if that was a good or a bad thing.

"Uhm Chris?" I let out lamely from the bed.

"Yeah," He said turning back to face me, smiling, as always.

Looking down at my fingers, nervously picking at my nail, I grimaced before barely looking back up towards him to ask him, "Did... uh... did we... ya know..." still not really being able to get it out.

"Have sex?" He asked impressively bluntly, still with that annoyingly kind smile.

I nodded with a slight cringe, "Yeah, that."

He laughed, "No, we didn't." I let out a relieved smile, not that I would've particularly minded otherwise, however I normally much rather do that sober - or at least mostly conscious. "After the cab brought us back from the bar you said something about losing your purse and not being able to get into your apartment, so I said you could crash here," He gestured to me on the bed, "Which you did."

"And my clothes...?" I cringed again.

"Ah, your clothes. After we got back you got into bed and they sort of started coming off from your own accord." He was rubbing his neck. "I think you said you were too hot? But then you said that you needed your top back to sleep in because 'the sheets were itching on you back' and I couldn't find it... so I gave you mine." Gesturing to me once again. "Still don't know where the top went, but I got your jeans here." He patted them neatly folded on top of his drawers.

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