part fourteen

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"Aaaaannndd time!" Mackie yelled over the rest of the cast's cheers of encouragement as I crossed the mark of the last trailer in the row, and therefore also the finish line. Out of breath and wheezing I came to a stop and and turned to face him.

"How long was I?" I asked apprehensively.

Anthony stayed silent, just smirking coyly from behind his phone. I'd just finished my lap of the footrace against Tom, of which the route went from the the soundstage, all the way across the lot to the end of the trailers - where we currently were. Tom had managed to complete his lap in 3 minutes and 46 seconds, which even I had to admit was pretty impressive. In a tumultuous battle with much at stake, anxieties were high for the final verdict to once and for all determine superiority - I don't think that's overstating things.

"C'mon Mackie," Robert shouted, "We haven't got all day, did she beat the kid?"

Everyone turned to face Anthony.

"It felt faster," Chris stated reassuringly, "Definitely gotta be faster."

"She did it... in... 3 minutes... and..." He paused for a painfully long time "32 seconds!" He finally announced enthusiastically.

I jumped up and down, not so graciously celebrating my victory as the rest of my supporters joined me in commemorating the win. Chris bounding over to envelop me in a bear hug, lifting me up of the ground for a second before returning me to my feet - good job pal, gotta keep it professional.

I smugly walked over towards Tom who was stood with his head hung in shame as Robert consoled him with a fatherly rub to the back.

"How does it feel Holland?" I asked, teasing him. "Spidey missing out on his cardio?"

He shook his head and laughed at me, "Whatever Peters, you may have beat me this time, but you know that you can never hold a flame to my Mariokart game."

"Oooh, " I heard Anthony coo from behind me as he approached us, "Do I smell another contest?"

"If she's willing to accept it." Tom challenged.

"Only if you're willing to lose." I quipped back.

"Alright, alright, break it up." Chris came in almost defensively, causing me to giggle under my breath as Tom laughed and shook his head. "Whist we're all very invested in this rivalry - I know I am - we all better get back to work before all of our asses get fired." 

Everyone groaned at the prospect of returning to the long shoot, but simultaneously hummed in agreement as they headed back to set. Scarlett stood and beckoned for me as she waited for me to join her.

On my way over I passed Chris, looking at him with an exaggerated pout, "Always so responsible Cap,"

"Someone's gotta be." He winked at me, rousing the butterflies that seemed to currently inhabit my stomach most of the time.

As I approached Scarlett she shot me a look, that kind of 'what are you hiding' look only Scarlett Johansson could give.

"What was that?" She asked plainly.

"What was what?" I asked whilst simultaneously trying to suppress the smile that pressed against my teeth.

"That." She reiterated. "Between you and Evans."

"I don't know what you could possibly mean." I dismissed, admittedly not very convincingly.

"You don't?" She asked rhetorically, "Yeah well tell that to your face."

I laughed, looking down to my feet as we continued walking. "You're a smartass you know that." I told her.

She chuckled back, "Yeah well you're full of shit." She laughed matter-of-factly. "Anyway, I'm willing to let it slide for now, you still coming tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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