part five

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"Shit, are you okay?!" Chris says, his face quickly changing from a smile as I begin to cough on a fucking grape infront of him. Unable to speak in-between coughs, I give him a thumbs up. A thumbs up!?

Jesus Christ pull yourself together.

The coughing subsides and is replaced with laughter as the ridiculousness of the situation sets in, and my eyes returns to what is ultimately a wall of pure man in front of me - and here I was thinking that Tom worked out a lot. He was sporting a too-tight grey shirt (which I'm not exactly ungrateful for as it stuck to just about every bulging muscle on his body) and black sweats which hung perfectly on his hips. I make the mistake of looking up and immediately fall into the endless expanse of his kind blue eyes. In my almost trance I studied his features, the way his face contoured, and the way his jaw was so sharp - I was pretty sure it could be considered a weapon. He was so strikingly handsome, intimidatingly so, yet there was something so incredibly boyish, friendly and familiar about him. I was intoxicated. I was also staring like a ducking creep.

I jolted myself back to reality and prayed he hadn't caught my untimely daydream. He stood the same way he was before, his eyes baring into my own, I was still trapped under his stare as the air filled with an intense energy and I became hot and flushed and broke the silence shyly.

"I'm sorry about that... normally I like to make a better first impression." I apologised.

My words seemed to bring him out of his own fixation, but he quickly became comfortable and fell into conversation. "Hey no worries, I don't usually seem to have that effect on women so consider me flattered." I felt my cheeks heat as a blush rose. "As far as first impressions go, I would therefore say you had a pretty good one." He winked and I swear I felt my legs wobble. Was this man aware of the effect he had on me?

In a hope to appear unaffected by his obvious charm I extend my hand for him to shake. "I'm Margot Peters."

He laughs and shakes his head at the formality before accepting the handshake. "I know who you are. Nice to finally meet you Miss Peters, I'm Chris, Chris Evans." He smirks.

I smile back. "I know who you are. Nice to meet you too Chris, Chris Evans." I bow slightly, making him grab his chest in laughter. The way his face scrunched up as he did so caused me to follow with a sort of giggle. "And please, call me Margot."

"Only if you call me Chris" He said, raising an eyebrow.


"So Margot, you getting in front of the camera today?"

"No, not today, they asked me to come in today just to get used to the way the set works, and to meet you guys too I guess, what about you Chris?" He laughed.

"Yeah I think I am, I'd offer myself up as a tour guide but as I said, I'm all tied up." He shrugged and smiled apologetically.

"Damn, a tour of a marvel set with the Captain America was a possibility, and I have to pass it up due to shoot scheduling? You gotta make it up to me!" I pointed at him and he chuckled again. This mans laugh is something else.

Suddenly he looks me dead in the eye with a smirk on his face "Oh, I intend to."

I stood there dumbfounded, taken aback by his impressive bluntness. What? And why is it so hot in here? With my mouth still vaguely agape, I was pretty sure I couldn't coherently speak yet so I was glad when he broke the short silence.

"You joining everyone for drinks tonight?" He asked. I nodded, not wanting to rely on what might come out of my mouth. "Guess I'll just have to buy you a drink then."

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