part ten

649 14 3

Two hours - and many beers - later the movie finished and the credits are rolling. Somehow over that time Chris' arm had worked it's way around the back of the sofa, and was resting behind my neck, which had become very apparent to me now that my attention was now no longer focused on the film.

I felt a nudge to that side and glanced over to Chris who was smirking to me silently, who then glanced over at Mackie, who was still sat in the chair across the room, with the same smirk as Chris. 

Confused, I glared between the two of them, "What?" 

Chris urgently hit my side and motioned for me to be quiet. With me still entirely perplexed, he pointed to his other side where I finally peeped Sebastian completely passed out next to Chris.

"Oh," I giggled.

Mackie got up and traversed the room towards us with caution, nodding to Chris as they exchanged some unspoken bro code, then stood right next to Sebastian's sleeping body, the other side of me and Chris.

Chris puts his hand up and mouths to Mackie "On 3." Who then nods again.

Indicating with his fingers, Chris counts down.

1... 2... 3!

Both boys loudly clap and shout into each of Seb's ears

"AAARGGHHH!!" he jerks awake violently and scrambles on the sofa, raising his arms defensively. The pure panic in his face quickly fades as he finally takes in the two grown men crippling with laughter beside him. "You fuckers."

Neither Chris, Anthony, nor I can form sentences as Sebastian sits there, looking sheepish and embarrassed.

As we finally start to calm down and collect ourselves Seb speaks to us again. "You guys are real dicks, you know that." He says, looking at me.

"Hey! I didn't do anything."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, "Yeah? Well you're just as guilty by association." I laugh again. 

He stands up, wobbling slightly in his still drunken state before steadying himself. "I better get going."

Chris whines, "Aw c'mon man, one more drink?"

"Nah I'm knocked out, I want to sleep, which I would be doing right now if it wasn't for you guys." He glared between the three of us again.

Chris chuckled before turning to Anthony. "What about you Mackie?"

Anthony stood up, draining what was left of his beer, shaking his head and replied to Chris. "Nah I should get back too, besides," He walks towards the door where Sebastian was stood and grabbed his shoulder. "Someone's gotta make sure this guy doesn't get into any trouble on his way back." 

Chris nods and turns his head to face me sat next to him. "C'mon Margot, you'll stay with me for another drink wont you?"  He pouts and makes these ridiculous puppy dog eyes.

I glance at my empty beer bottle across from me and debate whether staying for another is a good idea or not. Considering my status as a complete lightweight, and the fact I can already feel the previous three drinks taking an effect on me, I'd say that it's probably not. But one more drink can't hurt. Right?

Sighing, I turn back to Chris, still staring with those fucking eyes, and give in.

"Fine. But just one."

Chris' face lights up like a child and he quickly presses a kiss to my cheek before shooting to the kitchen to retrieve more beers from the fridge.

A confused and shocked expression falls over my face at his chaste kiss and I meet the gaze of Anthony who's is stood smirking at me from the doorway. He shoots me a wink before laughing and shaking his head as he ushers Sebastian out of the trailer, closing the door behind them.

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