part six

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It was 8pm that same night and the darkening, evening streets of Atlanta were brightly contrasted by the glowing lights of bars and streetlamps. The day on set today went rather smoothly, and I was glad that I had an opportunity to become accustomed to the atmosphere of that environment before being thrust in front of the camera. The production was so big, much bigger than I had imagined, and the sheer amount of people that goes into the making of these films in insane. From what I saw, it looks like this movie's going to be a good one, and I cant wait to get involved.

What I found crazy was my trailer. I mean it basically had a kitchen. A fucking kitchen. I felt like some huge movie star, and very out of my depth. I mean it had barely been one day and I was surrounded by all these hugely talented actors I'd been watching on the big screen for years. It's just all so surreal.

Before coming out tonight I'd spent hours debating what to wear, how I should leave my hair, how much make up to wear. How was I supposed to know how formal these Hollywood types like to keep their nights out. In the end I settled with high waist, loose fitting jeans, which I cinched in at the waist with a belt and paired with a simple black turtle neck (it was still autumn after all), and layered some gold jewellery - classy right...? I'd left my hair down in its natural, slight wave, and kept my makeup pretty simple with a with black winged eyeliner (which I had taken off and redone about a thousand times before leaving). God, why was I getting so nervous, it wasn't like I was meeting everyone for the first time, and I knew that they were all really nice people, I guess I just still felt as if I didn't really fit in.

Just try to relax.

Try to have fun.

I pulled out my phone as I neared the bar. Tom was already there, he had gone straight from the studio but told me to text him when I was close so he can meet me outside, which I was very glad for, I don't think my anxious ass could cope with walking in alone.

MARGOT - nearly there x

He replied almost instantly.

TOM - hold on, I'll come out to meet you

I saw his figure step out from the bar, looking for me.

MARGOT - think I see you, turn left.

I see him turn and I wave at him, he breaks into a little jog as he traverses the rest of the street to close the distance and meet me.


"Hey." We started walking back towards the bar. "You didn't have to run ya know, I could've just walked to you."

"I know, but I like to show off my athleticism to lugs like you." He smirked.

"Oh come on, we both know I'm much faster than you."

"Bullshit." He says. "Okay then, race me back to the bar if you're so sure."

"Maybe another time Flash," I look down to my shoes, "These weren't exactly made for foot races." Pointing to my heeled boots.

"Okay, I'll let you off this time, but I'm holding you to that race."

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

We'd now reached the door to the bar which Tom stepped up and opened, holding it for me to enter.

"Ladies first."

I smiled and stepped in, Tom following closely behind. He must have sensed my nerves because he squeezed my shoulder and leant into my ear. "It's going to be fine, they already love you." I turn to him and send him another reassuring smile. We reach the group sat at the table, and it was the same group I'd met earlier that day. It's bizarre seeing them all here, they just all look so... normal?

lost in you (chris evans)Where stories live. Discover now