part thirteen

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Now the day after that scene, I sat on my bed, folding my laundry. We did eventually end up successfully filming the the scene and hence the kiss too (after 'practicing' a couple more times in my trailer), but we all went home for the well earned weekend off, and for me that meant chores - someone's gotta do them. I didn't really want to dwell on what happens now between me and Chris, like what this means for our relationship and so on. What I knew was that I was happy, and that was all that really mattered.

My phone chimed with a text message.

CHRIS - hey, just opened a bottle of wine. wanna come over? x

I smiled to myself upon reading his message. Looking down at my pile of laundry, suddenly the idea of spending my evening off folding clothes seemed much less appealing when Captain America was offering you a drink. 

I typed out my reply.

MARGOT - sounds good, be there in 5! x

I put my phone into my pocket, and got up, grabbing my handbag, and quickly walked around my apartment, shoving everything I thought I'd need into it. I glanced in the mirror, slightly fixing my hair before I left and went up to Chris' apartment. 


Knocking on his door I took a step back, hearing footsteps in his apartment near the door until he came to and opened it. He stood there, wearing simply an old pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt. He was casual but his still held this ungodly power to make me instantly want to jump his bones.

I looked up to meet his eyes and smiled, "Hey."

"Hey." He smiled back, sickeningly sweetly. He motioned for me to come inside, which I gladly did, walking towards the coffee table which had a bottle of red wine stood next to a half-full wine glass which I assume he was drinking from. "Take a seat, I'll just go grab you a glass."

"Thanks."  I said as I made myself comfortable on his sofa whilst he made his way towards the kitchen.

My eyes scanned over the walls in the apartment, noticing the various photos and artworks he had decided to put up. As he walked back in with the second wine glass, I motioned to them on them, "You paint?"

He laughed and shook his head as he began to pour me a drink, "No, no, I wish. I'd also like to have something cool and intellectual to say about them too, but I honestly just like the way they looked on the wall. Kinda make this temporary house feel more like home."

I chuckled and reached for my drink, taking a sip. "I know what you mean, the walls are rather... grey?"

He laughed lightly, taking a sip of wine himself and leaning back into the sofa, his eyes fixing onto mine.

"So..." He began.

"So," I breathed back to him.

He started to fiddle with the glass in his hand, as he seemed to prepare what he was going to say next. "I kind of wanted to talk about, well, us? Sort of figure out where we are with... everything?"

I found it endearing the way he just got kind of flustered and nervous. I nodded, "Agreed."

"Well," He started again, taking in a breath, "All cards out on the table, I like you, and I'm very much interested in you and whatever this," He motioned between us, "Is."

I grinned at him. "Well, all cards out on the table," I mimicked, "I'd say you pretty much hit the nail on the head, and I guess I kinda might be into you too," I held my thumb and forefinger up, pinching them together, "Just a little."

He laughed fully, shaking his head and returning his gaze straight to me, "God, you're something else."

I smiled, "Something good I hope."

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