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Finn and Poe hadn't been themselves since Dorian left. They hadn't heard from her for years, Poe, didn't want to believe she was dead but after not hearing from her there was no way to be sure. Finn on the other hand, knew in himself that she was still alive, he had hope that she would come back to them. The boys had led the resistance along side General Organa, they had managed to destroy the star killer, liberate stolen children, returning them to their families, and recruiting more rebels. It was the same as any day for everyone, other than Finn and General Organa, they both had a feeling come over them, as though something big was going to happen. 

Finn, General Organa, and Poe, were all in the briefing platform talking talking about where Dorian could possibly be, and about the advancement in the Senate, due to Jannah, and Han's hard work. They were talking among'st themselves when static came in on the transmitter. Once they heard the voice on the other end, their stomachs dropped to their feet. "Rebel Base, this is Dorian Ashga, put me through to General Organa, urgent, I repeat urgent." 

General Organa, rushed over to the radio, "Dorian, it's good to hear from you" said General trying to hold composure. "Leia, oh- are Poe and Finn-" she was afraid to say it. Leia gave the radio to Poe who said "where the hell are you Dori" then passed it to Finn who said "How'd you get a First Order ship?"

Dorian held it together hearing their voices. "I've missed you boys. Listen what i'm about to tell you is pretty heavy okay. Emperor Palpatine is alive, on a planet called Exagol, I'm on my way there are I'm sending you the coordinates, and General Organa..I've was with Ben." 

The three of them, looked at one another and Poe said "what do you mean?". Dorian sighed "Ben found me, and we were together looking for the wayfinder. He-he's still alive, I had to leave him on a system in Endor..General, I suggest going to get him. I'll send you the coordinates." 

General Organa, took the coordinates , and the boys spoke with Dorian till she reached the planet, her last words to them were that she loved them and hoped to see them soon. 

The General had Poe and Finn ready the fighters and ships in case they were needed. Leia, Finn, and Poe put in the coordinates of where Ben was left, Leia wanted to get her son, much to Finn and Poes dismay. The three of them flew with lightspeed to where Ben was. 

Ben was feeling so overwhelmed by what transpired between he and Dorian. He felt low, and knew he made the worst mistake of his life, now he was stuck on the planet, leaving Dorian to face Palpatine alone, so he just sat there lost in his thoughts, when a sound from above him alerted him. Looking up he saw a rebellion transport ship hovering over him. Then a bottom latch opened and a ladder came down. Ben didn't question it and ascended up into the ship. He was met with a familiar face. His mothers. He was so ashamed of what he had done, and who he had become. Leia spoke first "my son" it was all she needed to say for Ben to cry and to apologize over and over. She soothed her son until he calmed down. Poe and Fin watched on, Poe was still leery of Ben, but Fin could sense his grief and emotions as true. With a deep gravely breath he ask "I have to get to Dorian, I have to help her" he said to the three of them. "We know she's the one who sent us here. She gave us the coordinates, we're ending this thing once and for all" Said Fin. While on their way to exegol Leia gifted Luke's saber to Ben, in hopes he would use it for good. 

The four of them decided that Ben, Poe and Finn would go into Palpatines palace to find, Dorian and kill him. The three men got off the ship, and ran into Palpatines fortress, and through endless mazes of rock slabs. The three men started coming across troopers and fought their way through. Ben split up with the boys to find Dorian faster. 

"Master Ren will be joining us soon" said Palpatine to Dorian who had been standing in front of Palpatine not uttering a single word. Palpatine looked at Dorian with a vacant face and spoke with a composed voice. " I know why you're really here, you think if you can strike me down, that Kylo will come back to the light side...YOU FOOLISH CHILD" thunder roared making Dorian jump. " I have been every voice inside his head, I own him, I am his master, and there is nothing anyone can do". Dorian held her head up and said "You're wrong about Ben. He's changing, and that scares you, because you're too weak to do your own bidding you spinless, pathetic-" Dorian's throat tightened due to Palpatine force chocking her. "Listen to me, Kylo Ren is to take his rightful place upon this throne and then you Jedi Seer, will stand beside him as his Empress and spawn a new generation of powerful Sith"

"Let her go" Said Ben walking out from the shadows. Palpatine let go of Dorian who collapsed. Ben rushed to her side, checking on her and helped her to her feet. "Master Ren" . Ben looked over to Palpatine and said "I'm going to destroy you". Palpatine laughed at this statement "Strike me down then Master Ren, and I shall live through you like I have every Sith that came before"

Dorian rubbed her throat and quickly grabbed her saber, unsheathing it. Ben followed suit. Palpatine gave a malicious cackle and shot lightening out of his fingertips and shocked the two of them causing them to drop their sabers and thrash with pain.   The Emperor stopped when he felt a sensation on his fingertips. Flesh began to grow on his discolored and bone exposed hands. He looked at his hands with shock and then said out-loud, "Your bond, a dyad, stronger than the force itself-" his voice rose with every word "THE POWER OF TWO SHALL RESTORE THE ONE" and he continued suck the life force out of the two of them. He eventually stopped, Ben and Dorian collapsed feeling weak and pained. Dorian managed to pull herself up, she grabbed her saber and unsheathed it once again. Palpatine started to attack her again, but she held him off, trying to get closer to kill him. Palpatine began taunting her telling her that Ben would never love her, that she had no one, because she was no one. Ben began to come to, and saw what was happening. Dorian sensed Ben was awake, and tried to connect with him, telling him that she was about to let him attack her to give him time to strike and kill Palpatine. Ben pulled himself up faster hearing her thoughts, he was trying to stop her from doing it, but before he could even say her name, she retracted her saber, absorbing the blow. Ben then took his saber throwing it at a distracted Palpatine unsheathing it, penetrating the Emperors chest. The Emperor stopped moving it just slumped over on his throne. Ben stumbled over to Dorian who was barely breathing. 

At the same time Poe and Fin found where Ben and Dorian were due to seeing Palpatine's electric ability. The boys froze when they saw Ben, cradling Dorian who wasn't breathing. Ben was crying and placed his hands on Dorian taking deep slow breaths. Fin and Poe didn't move from their spot, they were too scared to know if she was dead. Dorian found herself in limbo. It was a soft grey room. Quiet and tranquil, "Dorian" a voice said, "We've missed you" said another. Dorian turned around to see her mother and father. Her eyes filled with tears "Mom, Dad". She ran over to them and embraced them. 

They looked so angelic, at peace. "Where am I?" she asked. Her mother answered her "You're in waiting", Dorian shook her head not understanding what that meant so her father filled her in. "You're dead right now, but someone is currently trying to revive you, it's up to you where you want to go". Dorian looked down at herself an saw that she was clean, and in a pale pink gown. She felt no aches or pains, she also felt peaceful. Looking at her parents she said "So if I want, I can stay here", the two of them looked at one another and then to Dorian "Yes, but- we feel that you should go. Dorian you have a life up there, with people who love and care about you. That man up there, Ben. Darling he loves you." Dorian stepped back and took a moment thinking about Finn, Poe, Jannah, General Organa..and Ben. She missed her mother and father, and wanted to be with them, but knew in her heart her place was on earth. She embraced her parents once again, her mother said "We'll be with you" and her father said "Always". 

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