Not meant to be

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Not meant to be

Most people have a soulmark, even science couldn't find how that worked, people between the age of 13 to 18 some times even older, would get a mark on their body, like a tattoo, branding your skin to another person, the perfect person to love you and to love back, the mark could be any color or a mix of them, but if the mark turned black it meant your person wasn't alive anymore.

Though people may or may not ever find their soulmate, it was said that if they did, it was the most marvellous thing in the world, like taking a breath of fresh air after holding for too long. A soulmate was supposed to make life complete and perfect.

Facebook had become the world's most famous company for its mark match finder. Simply submit a picture of a mark and it would list all the matches that look alike. Ming tried once, but none of the marks were identical to his and he started to think that his soulmate was somewhere that didn't have internet, or that she or he didn't have a facebook account, but he really wasn't worried about finding his soulmate, the girl or guy who was destined to him could be anywhere, and sometimes he didn't wanted to find that person, not when he had seen what it could do to a relationship. Take his parents for example; though they'd been married for 17 years they weren't soulmates, they didn't have the same mark, but they loved each other so much... until his father ran into his soulmate in the supermarket, just like that!. He said he felt a connection to the woman, they kept meeting for some time, the woman showed him her mark and it was a perfect match.

After two months the divorce lawyer came to the house and Ming's mom couldn't stop crying... she wasn't herself after that. His father and the woman died a year latter in a car accident. Wayo's dad, who had been his father best friend had make all arrangements for the funeral, his father's money was being invested by the Panitchayasawad company until Ming finished his career, Ming was loaded and almost alone at his 12 years old. He had asked to stay in Wayo's house with him and his father, till it was time to move to the dorms of the university.

Ming had doubts on which career path to chose, he even took the exam to enter 3 different faculties, he was inclined to look into the science as Wayo, because there was something in his neck related to science, chemistry, or medicine but there was the gold gears too, and it was there that his heart really belonged, he loved to create things, to pick'em apart and building them again, so when the results came he didn't even opened the others, he finally chose engineering, and his best friend was going to science.

"Ming, Moowarn is here again" Wayo said to him, walking to Ming's room but stopping at the door to look at him and whisper "please tell her you are going to be living at the dorms, and please try to make her understand that she is not your soulmate, you don't need to-"

"it's ok Yo, she knows" he said a little upset that Wayo could imply that he would do the same thing that his father "i'm not going to let her believe that we will stay together forever" he hissed, and stomped down the stairs.

"that's not-"

"come on Yo, or you are going to be late to meet the guys i send early" called his father from the stairs 

"why can't i go with him?, is he going to stay longer?" he asked packing the last of his figurines

"yes, i need to talk to him" the man replied solemn and turned around "and he needs to do something before, so you have to make sure to be on time"

"ok" he followed down the stairs with the box in his arms.

Outside the girl was clinging to Ming's arm "call me every day ok?" the girl looked at Ming like he hung the moon

"Moowarn i'm living just a few hours away" he said a little annoyed with the girl, he had told her a bunch of times that he wasn't her soulmate but she continued to believe so, their marks didn't even looked alike! while Ming was on full display covering the left side of his neck and down his chest almost to his heart, (he had study what his mark was, at first he thought it was some kind on circuit, but then he found out it was a molecule, and oxytocin molecule... also known as the love hormone, he learned that in humans, oxytocin is thought to be released during hugging, touching, and orgasm in both sexes. In the brain, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding, and may be involved in the formation of trust between people) Moowarn's mark was a few suns and a vine, so it had almost the same colors, and maybe from afar the suns could pass as Ming's golden gears but it was painfully and obviously not the same.

 In the brain, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding, and may be involved in the formation of trust between people) Moowarn's mark was a few suns and a vine, so it had almost the same colors, and maybe from afar the suns could pas...

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"Wayo!, you'll be late!, come on, get in the car" he called his friend over, disentangling himself from the arms of the girl "Moowa-"

"i love you" said the girl and tried to kiss him, but Ming pulled away, he hold her by the arms to keep her away. Then his phone started to ring, he looked at the screen

"i'm really sorry Moowarn, we talked about this before, we are not meant to be together, it's over, i really hope you find your soulmate..." he almost run inside the house, sliding his finger on the phone quickly to answer. "i'm on my way, i'm sorry"

"!Ming you are my-" she tried to scream but the he was already behind the big door of the house.


:D hi!

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