Think before you talk

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Think before you talk

Ming sluggishly tried to open his eyes, his head was pounding, and his mouth was dry, but at least the dizziness was gone, he remember being in the field running laps when the world tilted and he fell... -there was something else... what was it?-

you are mine

Ming straightened up quickly realising he was in the infirmary and met the gaze of Forth, who was sitting in front of the gurney. "what happened?"

"heat exhaustion" came the answer of the head hazer, he stood up and walked to him "we didn't know who to call, and... you back there you didn't want us to look at your phone, so we didn't" he gave Ming his phone "call someone to get you home" he also opened a bottle of water for him.

Ming texted Wayo and hoped that his friend would arrive before the campus moon decide to make himself present, suddenly the door opened and he gave a little jump, he almost got whiplash as he turned to see a very handsome guy enter the room, smiling at Forth and taking his hand.

"hi!, you must be Nong Ming" greeted the newcomer

"hmm, sawadee, P...?"

"i'm Beam, Forth soulmate" he walked closer to him "wow it's exactly the same" he extended his hand to Ming neck, but the junior pulled back a little

"don't touch it"

"oh, yeah sorry" he gave the junior space, looking embarrassed at his own rudeness, trying to touch another person mark was a big no no, because some people were sensitive to others touch, mostly it caused a light discomfort if it was an unknown person, family and friends weren't a big problem, your soulmate of course causes a different reaction.

"that's harassment Beam" came a new voice, another guy was standing by the door

"Kit! you came!"

"I had to see with my own eyes" Ming eyed the short guy, he looked calm but his eyes were scrutinizing him

"i feel like a circus freak" Ming finished his bottle of water, the three students eyes fixed on him, more specifically on his mark

"so you really are his" came Forth's voice and Ming sputtered around the last water on his mouth, he turned to see them, Beam had this weird smile, like a kid who found out were the cookie jar was hiding, Kit was expecting his reaction and Forth actually looked a little bit bored.

"i don't know what are you talking about P" he started to get up from the bed and putting his shoes back on.

"he is talking about your mark being the same as Phana's" honest and to the point apparently was the modus operandi of Kit, Ming was kind of intimidated by it.

"a mistake P', is not the same, we couldn't be, no offense to any of you P', but your friend is a moron, he is careless, mean, rude and ignorant!" after his outburst they all kept quiet, just the sound of quiet steps behind Ming make a shiver ran on his back, he didn't want to turn.


-Shit, why is he here!?-

"Then you can pick your own stuff" Ming turned around and watched as Phana opened up his backpack -i didn't even know where i left it, what are you doing with it?-, and dropped all the contents to the floor, turned around and left

-what's this diva problem!?-

"Pha!" Kit quickly go after him

"shiaaa Pha" Beam bend down to help Ming pick his stuff.


They had to see each other face almost every day, with Phana still being the moon and Ming in the rehearsals for the dance a the little trip to the photoshoot, but they both did a fantastic job avoiding the other presence as much as possible. After the incident on the infirmary, Wayo hadn't stopped nagging at him.


"what?" Ming wasn't in the mood to be answering questions, but if he didn't his friend could get loud, and he didn't really need a show in front of all the other moon and stars

"has he talked to you?"

"why would he talk to me"

"Miiiing, he is your soulmate" he wined and smack his arm like a little child

"i really don't want to talk about that" he could feel coming at least a headache from this conversation "besides, that's what he claim, i have never see his mark"

"so you want to see it?" came a voice from behind him "we can arrange that!" an arm came over his shoulder hugging him

"Beam, sexual harassment" Kit admonished him, pulling his friend arm from the engineer moon

"so, what do you say? want to take a peak, i swear i have a picture in my phone" he was actually looking at the gallery of pics "maybe i can arrange a date for you two" he made little jumps up and down.

"P'Beam, you are to invested in your friend love life" Wayo asked wondering why they have to intervene in this business, -why can't P'Phana ask Ming like a normal human being?- he smiled at the craziness of this guys

"Say N'Yo, aren't you invested in your friend love life too?" the lively doctor put on his best smile "we should be best friends and make Pha and Ming have babies don't you think?"

Wayo was surprised they talked to him with so much familiarity, they just met a few days back with Ming in the infirmary, but they were funny and apparently they were some kind of famous. All the moons and stars from other faculties were looking at them.

-Ahh they are that kind of friends,- the ones just like him and Ming "how many would they have?"

"Yo!!" Ming face got all red

"i like you little moon!" Beam all but hugged Wayo, even Kit smiled at him

"Don't you all have more important things to do" Pha was standing right behind his two friends, they looked a little embarrassed to be caught

"well N'Ming!? do you want to see, he is already here" Beam tried to pull Pha's shirt just to get his hands smacked

"if he have so much free time then he can go back and rehearsal more, so he doesn't look so pathetic" 

"i'll show you who is pathetic when i win the contest"

"oh you think you have a shot?" Pha crossed his arms in a powerful stand "let's make a bet"

"Ming, no" Wayo even hold his arm, but it was useless

"what do you want IF! you win the most popular?" -I'll make sure you don't even get close-

"you'll stop with this nonsense of the mark" Ming was fast to give his ultimatum, but the smile he got back from Phana was getting him nervous

"Then i'll think about what i want when you lose" he shoved past him with the same smile, Ming turned to Beam and Kit, and the look of those two were not encouraging

-Shit maybe i should have thought this better-


Pha's face whenever he wants to fight with Ming  😏 Who is he kidding he wantsa taste of him!!!

Pha's face whenever he wants to fight with Ming  😏 Who is he kidding he wantsa taste of him!!!

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