Private talk 🔥🔥🔥

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Private talk

Ming was happy, classes were very interesting all his teachers were very good in their own field, he had good classmates and right now he had the afternoon free, -i should call Yo and ask him to go to the movies- so he walked out of the classroom just to be pulled aside, he scowled at the person and found an annoyed face looking at him.

"what are you doing here!?" Ming pulled him away from the public eye

"you didn't answer my call"

"so you came all the way here!? P'Phana i had classes!" he was amused, how this man could behave like a spoiled kid? he was a respected student!

"still you would have answered if it was the other person right?, the one that calls you and you almost run to answer"

"are you jealous?"

"what if i am?" Phana was in a challenging mood, he came closer to Ming and cornered him, each of his hands caging Ming's head

"we said no strings attached"

"no, you said that!" he punched the wall behind Ming, making the younger flinch

"and you said ok just to get a blow job, so don't make this weird, this is not a relationship" he pushed him away

"I want it to be" replied the doctor with fervent need, the two of them stayed in silence for a bit.

"let's talk about this another time"

"Mingkwan!" shouted Phana earning the curious look from some students but Ming kept walking.


"are you angry about something?" Questioned Beam, his friend had a murderous face right now, and no reason evident, they had agreed to meet Forth and some other engineers to drink at his dorm.


"some of the guys here watched you fight with Ming again" commented Kit, half listening to the conversation and half attention on his phone "and he is their friend, so be on your best behavior"


"he is coming too, and he is Forth friend so try to be nice to him ok?" remarked Beam as he walked to take drinks for them

"don't look at us like that, you know people are starting to notice you bully him because you didn't like him winning the campus moon"

"that's stupid" he crossed his arms defensively -he is my soulmate why would i bully him?-

"is it?" he got himself a beer "you actually helped Wayo win against him, Ming probably would have won both title if you didn't intervene"

"oh he is here" Beam came back and pointed near the door were Ming was saying hi to some of his friends, a baby blue t-shirt that make his skin look more creamy, and dark jeans almost painted to his legs. Phana walked to him without hearing his friends call to not make a scene, he interrupted a guy who was talking to the young moon

"we have a pending conversation" he took his arm and started to drag him out

"P'Phana please let go" he smiled nervously

"no, we are talking about it now, let's go"

"Phana!" one of Forth friends tried to stop him but Forth didn't let him do anything

"AiPha! don't kill him!" called Forth closing the door after they got out "don't worry, he'll be fine" he gave a little pat to the other engineer

"your room is here right?" Phana kept a firm hold on his arm

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