Be us again

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Be us again

A nurse came and asked "family of Mr. Daichapanya?" Phana stood up, and the nurse turned to see all the other guys and gave a small smile, "you can all come" she started to walk away and all of them follow her confused, they pass the ICU area

"the doctor told me they were going to bring Ming to the ICU" commented Phana

"Mr. Daichapanya is in a private room as requested by Mr. Panitchayasawad, so you and your friends can visit him with a little more permissions, just remember no to touch any of the machines there, and try not to disturb Mr. Daichapanya" she opened the door to an enormous room, on the big bed hooked to all the machines layed Ming, they had to stop at the entrance, Ming looked tiny, his normal pale skin looked ashen, a big bandage rounding his neck, one by one got inside. Phana took a chair and pulled it as close to the bed as possible, he lift Ming's hand and hold it against his own face, kissing the palm, and getting lost in his mind to really pay attention to the others.

Wayo took another chair and sat on the opposite side, the other just sat on the sofas. It was already late when Wayo's father arrived, the small moon ran to his side and hugged him crying again, the man hold him and walked closer to the bed, not letting go of his son, anyone could see the pained expression on his face, after a few minutes of silence he turned to see the tired faces of all the friends of his son and godson

"why don't you kids go to sleep, have a good rest, you all can come back tomorrow, take Wayo with you"

"Phor" the young moon wanted to refuse but Kit was already at his side pulling him

"i'll stay" Thorn stated

"hmm, not going anywhere either" Phana waied at his friends adjusted his chair and took Ming's hand again

"we'll bring you clothes tomorrow, and some food" said Beam hugging him from the back, then there was more silence, just the soft hum of the respirator could be heard.

"They found pics of Ming on her Phone" stated Mr. Panitchayasawad after another hour of silence, both boys turned to see him with a grave feature and heavy shoulders "and she is her mother there was nothing weird in that, unless you have the full background, all the pictures had Ming in a close up, his mark showing" he had rested in the chair Wayo had sat but got up to ruffle Ming's hair "the powder was sedative pills, but she stopped taking that almost a year back" he felt as powerless as the day Ming's father his best friend died, or the day his son was bullied with a private photo, there was nothing he could do, just sat there and wait.

"she planned this since then... he is her son" mumbled Pha, loathing was the only way he could describe what he was feeling, and heartbroken for his Ming, he didn't know how he was going to take the situation.

The first time Ming woke up it was a blur of panic, he pulled the respirator, couldn't scream, ripped his iv, and was pulling the bandages on his neck before Phana could hold him and the nurses came running to sedate him, a few hours later the doctors removed the respirator, Ming's lungs were working on his own, the swelling was still present probably was going to be hurt for days. The second time he woke up was still panicked but allowed Pha to keep holding the oxygen mask over his face and hold his hands away from his neck as he instructed no to talk, after the desperation on pulling the bandages Pha took the decision to take them off, the pressure was probably making him panic, he worked fast to take them off, and Ming relaxed a bit, he hold Pha's hand like a life line before he lose consciousness again, the third time was slow, his hand still occupied by his sleeping soulmate's hand, in the room on a couch was Thorn also sleeping, Wayo was was lying on it too and using Beam's leg as pillow, the door opened slowly and Forth and Kit were surprised to see him awake, Ming make a grimace and pointed to his neck. Kit left the bags he was carrying and walked to free side of the bed.

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