Behind closed doors

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Behind closed doors

This was the day.

It was friday and they were going to tell their friends that they were a couple, Ming had only asked that they told everyone at the same time, so Pha had invited everyone to eat at the science canteen, everyone was walking there from their respective faculties, the crazy gang questioning their leader about the reasons, and Forth walking with Ming in a comfortable silence, from afar they saw a bunch of students all reunited in front of a notice board, as they got near, they could hear many comments

"soo shameless!"

"OMG how do you show that?"

"he looked so nice"

"he did it for money?"

Ming walked forward and turned to the board, there were pasted copies of a photography, a mark on display, an obviously very personal picture of Wayo. Ming was seething with rage, he was already calling Wayo, one hand pushing the people around and tearing all the copies he could with the help of Forth, it was only a few moments after he heard the teary voice of Wayo


"Yo? Who is that mother fucker?!" he screamed at his friend, people around looking at him scared

"Ming!" Forth tried to call him down

"tell me now!!" he screamed again, unaware that the crazy gang had arrived, and where confused by the situation

"Ming?" Phana came closer


"No-Nopadon, his name is Nopadon" Wayo didn't even finished talking when Ming had shoved Forth and Phana to the side, he was going to hunt down that bastard and make him pay, Nopadon was the moon from the art faculty, Ming knew exactly who he was. He felt being pulled by the arm he turned just to bark orders to his soulmate.

"Pha, go look for Yo at his dorm"

"Ming wait!" he pulled him back again just to be shoved to the ground

"let go, or i swear to god this is the last time you touch me! i told you to find Yo!" to say that his friends were scared and in shock would be an understatement, Pha was rooted to the spot, watching Ming ran away

"Pha, are you ok?" Forth helped him up "I'll go after him" he let Beam and Kit take care of the shocked doctor, and ran after his junior.


"you!" Ming pushed the chairs and table in his way to the son of a bitch seated there like he didn't have care, that didn't last when Ming punched him out of the chair he was seated on

"what the fuck?" the guy was holding his now bleeding nose, the other guys around him scrambled away from the pair.

"did you think nothing was going to happen?, that you could put that shit and not get punished" Nopadon tried to stand up just to be kicked down "you're going to wish you weren't born" Ming straddle him and punched him again

"No, stop! Let go of me!" he thrashed and cried, lashing out in panic trying to cover his face, his fist connected and a grunt was heard. Ming let go for a second, letting him fall back down. For a moment Nopadon didn't realised what happened until he saw the small drops of blood spattering over his own shirt and he looked up. Ming slowly rubbed the back of his hand over his lips and nose and looked at it, slightly impressed and captivated by the blood now running over his fingers.

"Oh, you'll pay for that too." he managed a couple of punches more before he was ripped off the guy by Forth

"Ming! stop!"

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