No touching

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No touching

The ride back to the dorms was long and heavy but as Ming was driving he refused to take the music down and tried to ignore how happy living on his own was making him feel.

Living at the dorms was a completely new experience, he made fast friends with his classmates, he was elected moon of his faculty, the girls in his year (and some boys) were crazy about his beautiful mark and wanted to touch, but he always was very sensitive with his mark if someone touched it, even if Wayo his almost brother touched it he got goosebumps and shuddered, depending on the person was the intensity, a few times he even puked, obviously it wasn't a nice feeling, so he tried to stay away from all the wandering curious hands.

The first year students like him had SOTUS, the seniors explained the system as collective activities that would help them known each other and the other older students, so they could form ties with the faculty, there he meet P'Forth, a nice guy, second year student and already was the head hazer, he jokingly threatened him about having to win the moon contest...I think he was joking

On the canteen of the medicine faculty, The three most popular students where eating, Phana, the king of medicine, perfectionist, intelligent, popular and with a hidden mark than just his best friends had ever seen, if medicine had some kind of system like engineer he would be a hazer. Kit, the smallest of the group, a spitfire on the outside, quick to anger, but very caring of the people he love, the mark on his bicep: a resemble of a dopamine molecule with pink small flowers, the exact same as the one his girlfriend Pin had. And last but no less, Beam, he was the flirt of the group, he was handsome and had an easy going attitude, his mark was on his forearm it looked like some kind of beehive with straight lines, but it turned out to be, the same mark as Pha, an oxytocin molecule with some circuits attached to them, his boyfriend Forth had the same mark on his back.

"They say the moon from science was cute did you see him Pha?"

"didn't really see any of them, just the ones at the front, but i think that if Forth hear you, you'll be in trouble" answered Phana drinking his tea

"what!? just because we are a couple doesn't mean i can't appreciate how cute someone is" "i saw him, he would be perfect for you Pha, some sweet, soft, baby face nong, but i didn't saw his mark?" interrupt Kit

"i bet he has it in his buttcheek"

"stop being a perv" Kit hit him in the head. "besides remember the gears, Pha's soulmate is probably an engineer"

"i bet she is going to be some kind of goddess" Beam smiled "i'll have to ask Forth who is the new star"

"don't forget it could be a guy, but handsome guys are rare to find there" Kit finished eating "maybe he would be the flimsiest of the first years, and the smallest too"

"oh you mean like you!?" joked Beam and earned a punch again

"maybe you two can go then and help the nursing team there, help all the poor lives terrorized by the hazing team"

"no, no thanks Pha, that's your responsibility" Kit smiled and gave him a path on the shoulder

"you should stop making bets with Forth" said Beam smiling, "but maybe i'll join you later" both doctors leave his boss alone.

Ming was engrossed in a conversation over the phone so he really didn't see the other person till he coiled with him, his iced coffee all over the back of the guy who was near the table of the health supplies for the hazing activity. He was quick to end his call.

"im so sorry i'll call later" he put away his phone and started to apologize.

Phana felt the hit and the wet cold sliding down his back, he turned angry at the person who had pushed him and found a first year apologizing while trying to dry his shirt with a few napkins that were doing nothing, and then he saw it, as the first year was looking around for more napkins he saw the green and gold mark on his neck, he felt anger at his friends for putting a first year to this joke, and this guy for accepting such a disgracing act. how did they managed it in so little time? "this is an awful joke!" he pushed him in anger, the tall boy stumbled back


"who told you?" he asked again menacingly walking to him, a few students turning around to see the commotion

"i really don't know what are you talking about P'Phana" Ming tried to smile, he recognized the guy, he was the campus moon, he had saw him from afar in the moon meetings, but he was taken aback because this was just an accident, and he had apologized, why should this guy make a big deal out of this, he had looked cool and nice in the first meeting with the moons and stars.

"was it Beam or Kit?" Phana questioned pushing the guy with his finger "ohh i know, it was Forth, right?"

"i really don-" Ming was stopped when Phana extended his hand and forcibly took his chin pulling him, exposing his neck to him "leave me alone!" he tried to get away, but Phana's other hand was pulling Ming's shirt neck down to see better, grazing the mark with his fingers "don't touch it" Ming pulled stronger feeling his stomach tensing up and felt the goosebumps on his arms

"i want to see it"

"i say don't touch!!" Ming pull his arm back and punched the guy right on his cheek, making him stop

Phana stumbled back and touched his face, feeling the hot pain from a well packed punch, he turned to see the junior was trembling, his eyes big and scared, he almost felt bad for him.

"what's going on?"



Here is Kit's and Beam's marks

Here is Kit's and Beam's marks

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