Two can keep a secret...

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Two can keep a secret...

Phana was happy, he could be the happiest man on earth, there he was, after a week of not seeing him he looked even more handsome. Ming had a impish smile on his face, he was clearly happy he had surprised Phana with a visit on a sunday evening.

"i missed you" Pha pulled him inside kissing him, he at least had the thoughtful consideration of closing the door, he felt Ming melting against him, letting him bear his weight in his arms.

"i thought i had to wait till tomorrow to see you" Phana said holding the other like he could evaporate any moment, Ming hide himself in the embrace, letting Pha navigate them to the bed

"It was going to be exhausting trying to find a place to hide tomorrow, and wanted to see you as soon as i could." the two of them started to kiss sweetly, choosing for a more slow pace for the night.


The knock on the door woke them up, Pha walked to the door and opened just a sliver to see outside.

"Morning P'Pha!" came the cheerful voice of the small moon

"N'Yo!" he blocked with his body the entrance so he couldn't see inside his room, he had not talked with Ming about coming out to his friends after the failed attempt, he was sure Ming would say yes again, but he didn't want to asume.

"can i come in?" Wayo asked

"humm, my room is a mess"

"i have been in your room P' how bad can it be?" he tried to push the door, but the doctor didn't let him move even an inch of the door

"yeah but... right now is really messy, did you needed something?"

"we have been having breakfast together all the last week and i thought it would be fun having breakfast with the others and Ming"

"i'll meet you there, text me the place" and he promptly closed the door, he turned around and saw Ming wearing just his boxers and looking all sleepy

"soo he was in your room when?" he wondered

"well you asked me to keep an eye on him" he walked to him and combed Ming's hair

"ohh so diligent" he pecked the doctor's lips

"i invited him for breakfast a few days" and then he gave a pinch to his side "now take a bath, we have to go before the others go looking for you" he pushed him to the bath "i'll find you a shirt you can use"

After a few minutes of pondering if he should join Ming in the bathroom, he heard a phone rang, he had memorized the damn tone! he took the phone and answered before he really thought about doing it, he put the object to his ear


"... he can't answer right now" he clenched his teeth

"can you told him Thorn called, it's important"

"sure" he ended the call before anything else was said, he didn't know how much time passed but suddenly Ming was standing a few steps away, drops of water still sliding down his chest.

"did... did you answer my phone?"


"why? We had a deal! you promised you wouldn't ask!"

"i didn't ask! i just answered the phone of my boyfriend"

"give it back" he tried to take the phone back

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