Clearing things

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Clearing things

Phana felt another stab, but he couldn't stop running, he had to do something! he had to save Ming, he felt his legs burning, his heart pounding so hard he thought he was the one to die from a heart attack in any second, -maybe that's how this will go, if Ming dies i will die too- and that seemed perfectly reasonable in that moment, he didn't want a live without his soulmate. He could see the door, just a few meters away, he pushed himself to go faster, he turned the doorknob and let the door slam open with his weight, he immediately saw Ming, slumped on the floor, eyes closed, the woman on top of him let go and crawled back, but he couldn't care less about her, he fall to his knees beside Ming, quickly checking for a pulse, he found non, and h wanted to cry and scream but he couldn't, he saw Thorn run inside and tackle the woman to the ground, a crash of glass on the floor next to him alerted him of the situation, the woman had drinked something, he started the chest compressions on Ming without another look, Thorn had the woman on the ground "call an ambulance" ordered Phana directing now his mouth to Ming's for a rescue breath, he had to reposition Ming's neck two times before the air would really passed through his damaged and probably swollen windpipe, and went back to the chest compressions, he had to do three cycles before he managed to find a pulse, but even then Ming wasn't breathing on his own, the woman lost consciousness, and Thorn kept watching over her, without knowing what did she put on the drink, there was little they could do, he had started crying but kept breathing for Ming, till they could hear caos outside, the paramedics running up the stairs, as they entered there were shouts from the police.

"i called them too" explained Thorn cleaning with his sleeve the little blood that kept flowing from his wound, Pha nodded, there were many things on his mind at the moment. Ming's mother had tried to kill him, he could still lose his soulmate as his life was still in danger, the man he was jealous off had helped him save Ming.

He had to get pushed away by the paramedics, he stayed a few second on the floor just seeing them having to intubate his soulmate, he explained he believed Ming had been poisoned too before following them as they pulled the gurney ready, his mind trying to follow every word they said, but was stopped by the police saying that he had to stay and give a declaration, he had started to argue that he had to go with Ming when the man he recognized as the lawyer of Wayo's dad arrived, he didn't know how that man was there, his best guess was Thorn, he really didn't care as long as he helped him stay with Ming. the man saw the situation and put a hand on the police that was stopping Phana, he just gave him a card and after he read it he apologized and ordered another officer to escort the ambulance to the hospital.

The ride to the hospital was uneventful and fast, and then he prepared for the eternal minutes of waiting to know about Ming. He texted everyone a small resume of the events and then spent a few minutes answering a million questions, it took Thorn fifteen minutes to arrive, and then the whole gang came running a few minutes later. The doctor went out to give them news, only because of Pha was evidently his soulmate, and it was against the law to exclude him for information about his partner.

"He had a large dose of Benzodiazepine, the report says he was forced to the consumption so we had to give him Flumazenil, it's a very risky medication but we are sure it's helping him, besides that, he has a damaged windpipe due to the pressure on his traquea, and we have to wait the swell to go down and see the extension of the injury, his lungs are a little weakened so he has a ventilator to help with his breathing, we have to wait to see if there's any damage to the brain for the lack of oxygen. He is going to be in intensive care so only you or family can go in, a nurse will inform you when you can see him" as the doctor walked away Pha felt his legs give up, only Forth and Thorn managed to keep him off the ground

"oh God" he mumbled as tears dripped down his face, Forth sat him down again and Kit kneeled in front of him.

"look at me Pha" he took his friends hands away from his face "you have to stop thinking like a doctor right now, i know how your brain works and you're mentalizing all the worst cases you know, you have to stop! Ming is strong, see this?" he tugged his shirt up and pointed to the now pale but colorful mark "he is alive and that's all you need to know" he pulled the shirt down again "you have to be here for him, and be as strong as you can, because his life turned to shit, but he has you, and you have us ok?"

"Gentlemans, i need you attention for a few minutes" It was the lawyer again, he had stack of papers that he hand out to each of the guys, including Wayo, but not Thorn

"what is this?" asked Beam reading over the papers "Affidavit?"

The man nodded "so you have to keep the information of the Daichapanya family a secret" he gave Thorn a nod after the boys signed the documents "Mr. Panitchayasawad is on his way, i'll take care of anything" he waied to all of them and left them

"i guess i'll tell you guys everything i know" he leaned down to rest his elbows on his knees, the others leaned forward too, al the attention on the man they barely known as Thorn. 

"where do i start... hmm, Ming's parent where married but they were not soulmates, his father found his and let them, a year latter he died with his new wife. Ming's mom has a dependent personality disorder, she couldn't bear be alone after his husband left them, developed symptoms of anxiety, and an inability to make common, everyday decisions without the reassurance of others, so they had to hire nurses for her" he pointed himself "But she relied on Ming for comfort and reassurance too much, she sometimes didn't allow him to go outside, the doctors said he needed to stay away... he never said it, but i think he was relieved, that he had the chance to get away from her, she still called him, some times nine to fourteen times a day." he saw the realization on the faces of the others around him "she turned aggressive when she saw a soulmark, she lashed out, so they had to put her on sedatives and daily therapy, when Ming got his mark, he was torn apart, thinking he could never be with his soulmate, he had to hide his mark every time he was going to visit" he turned to see at Phana directly "i'm sorry, i should have been more careful" his eyes got wet and a few tear escaped. "i still don't know how I didn't see-"

"is not your fault P'Thorn" Wayo sit by his side and put a hand on his shoulders "she is not in her right mind, she hit you, she tried to kill her son... if you want to blame someone, then you should blame me too, i'm supposed to be his best friend and didn't know"

"he is our nong" mutered Kit displeased with his own decisions, Beam had turned to Forth and clung to him sobbing, the engineer hold min as strong as he could.

"i'm his soulmate" Pha hide his face in his hands "i was an asshole... i fighted with him over the calls"

"yeah he told me yesterday" he let out a chuckle at the weirdness of Pha thinking he and Ming could be more than friends "i would have stopped her if i knew she was still calling so often"

A nurse came and asked "family of Mr. Daichapanya?"


This is getting longer than i expected...

Also! i upload the characters for the new story, the omegaverse with omega Ming and alpha Phana :) 

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