100 laps

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100 laps

"what's going on?" came the voice of Forth

"P'Forth!" the junior called him but Phana was quicker to give his own version of the situation

"This junior spilled his drink on me, and then punched me"

"that's no-"

"look at me" said Phana with a snobbish tone and turned so Forth could see the back of his shirt still dripping

"Ming, 10 laps"

"but P" Ming tried to explain

"i saw you punch him Ming, 20 laps"

Ming shut his mouth and started to walk to the field, as he walked past Phana "get rid of that thing, or the next time i see you, i'm the one who's going to throw punches" threatened the doctor. If looks could kill Phana would be six feet under. When Ming was far enough to hear them Forth grabbed Pha's arm

"now Pha, what really happened?, Mingkwan is our moon and even if i just meet him recently he doesn't look like the type of punching someone without reason"

"he was playing a joke on me, and when i called him out, he got mad and punched me" he explained his point of view

Forth was shaking his head "i know there's something more" he pointed a his face

Over the course of the days Phana and Ming had many encounters, and none of them were pretty, maybe because the campus moon refused to talk to his friends till they apologized made him ruthless, and in the meantime every time Phana saw Ming, he had to take deep breaths and control himself, the stupid junior kept the fake mark exposed to everyone. In the rehearsal of the dance, as Ming was drying his sweat with a towel and patting hi neck Phana came close to him and faking a stumble he went and dropped an iced coffee in retaliation, Ming called him conceited asshole, and they almost got to punches again, before they were separated, that incident almost cost Ming his participation as moon.

As a result of this mishaps the engineer student wasn't in a good humor, he was tired of Phana and his stupid anger towards him, he was again looking at him like he could murder him from the shade of the nursing tent a few meters off the field where they had sotus activities. He was so concentrated in avoiding the medic student eyes, and not dying from the heat that he didn't realise his phone was ringing

"Ming, your phone" whisper the girl at his side "turn it off, or answer, P'Forth is going to hear" He had to answer, slowly he managed to move to the back of the group and pull out his phone. He fail to realize that Phana was watching him like a hawk, and strutted to Forth with a wicked smile, and pointed him. Forth stomped to him and he barely had the time to end his call when the phone was hastily taken away from his hand.

"do you think that because you were chosen as our moon you are above the rules?"

"no, P'Forth"

"You should be ashamed that Forth here have to punish you" came the voice of Phana mocking him

"Maybe i should keep this till tomorrow, so you can learn the rules" said Forth moving the phone on his hand

"P, just give me my phone back, i will take the punishment" begged Ming, i just need it back, please give it back!

"let's see who called you"

"P!" he saw the opportunity and yanked the phone out the hazer's hands, hiding it behind his back "even if you are head hazer... this is private property, you shouldn't touch what isn't yours P" the young moon looked a little scared talking back at his senior, but he stood his ground

"40 laps"

"Forth-" Phana tried to intervene, it was too hot to be running laps, he wanted the little shit punished but not to death!

"yes P" Ming started to run away from them

"and you!, you better explain what's your deal with my junior"

Sotus activities over the head hazer and the medic student where the only ones waiting for Ming to finish his punishment, watching him run lap after lap.

"Ai'Pha!!!" Forth hit him in the head "that is his fucking mark!, he-, you really have the same mark?, he's your soulmate!?" he couldn't believe this! the! great Pha finally found his soulmate! after so many failed attempts.

"it can't be Forth!" he denied, his loathing obvious in the way he looked at the young one running in the field "i can't stand him! and neither can he"

"you really have to fix this! nobody hates his soulmate!!"

"i don't hate him, i just don't like him" Phana said as a matter of fact "and you should get him out of the sun or his going to... shi-" Phana got up and started running when he saw Ming fall to the side and not getting up, Forth ran after him, but Pha already had him in a firefighter carry "i'll bring him to the tent, get some ice packs from the infirmary" Forth nodded and ran back to the buildings.

Pha laid him carefully on a bench and checked his pulse on the wrist, a little bit faster than normal, nothing worrisome, he patted him on the cheek a few times but didn't get a response he started to unbutton the shirt, and pulled it open, Ming's mark reached a well toned chest, Pha had to stop himself from admiring the body, because as much as he found the junior kind of hot, it was literally hot from the heat exhaustion, the mark on the tan skin had all his attention, it was exactly the same as his, it felt weird looking at it in another body, he couldn't explain how that was making him feel, but his hand was itching to touch it, he gave to his desire, running his fingers over the neck, and Ming's skin flushed even more, he panted as if he was still running, suddenly he opened his eyes, and quickly scrambled back falling to the ground, he touched his mark worried to feel himself so hot and dizzy.

"you are mine" stated Pha coming closer

"what?" Ming tried to stand, but it was very strenuous for him at the moment

"we have the same mark"

"no, no we don't, we can't, i rather run another 100 laps" he crawled away from him, just to lose his arms strength.

It can't be him


Forth and Pha talking about the mark

Forth and Pha talking about the mark

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