In the heat of the moment

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In the heat of the moment

Pha's blood was boiling, how dare this little bastard cover up the beautiful mark!? he would teach him no to do this again, he had no reason to hide it. But first, he had a bet to win.

"who are this for?" Asked Beam with a big smile on his face as he carried the bunch of roses to the entrance of the auditorium "are you helping him win?" he hide his face on the scarlet petals "so romantic Pha!" squealed in a high voice

"give them to Wayo" he ordered with a cold tone

"what?" Kit was surprised by this, he was sure Pha was beyond this business, he knew his friend has made the effort to talk to Ming, what had make him like this again? "that's mean, you know if you do this Wayo is going to win"

"and he is his best friend!" Beam's face had turned down, he didn't like this side of Pha, he actually liked Ming and his little friend Wayo, and this could put a dent in that friendship.

"i don't care, do as i said"

Beam gave the bouquet at Kit and as soon as he could he located his boyfriend, Forth was actually coming out of the dressing room where all the moons and stars were waiting

"hi babe" he hugged him and kissed his cheek

"not time for sweetness Fo, i need you to buy flowers for Ming"

"what? why?"

"because my best friend is stupid and is going to ruin his life"

"hmm, okey?" Forth accepted, even if he didn't mind what kind of stunt was Phana planning he didn't want Ming to losse, but almost as soon as he and Ming walked out to the seats the presenter was asking for the people to come closer and to the stage area to give the flowers

"oh forget it it's too late now" he walked hand in had with Forth to give Ming a sad smile and only two roses. Ming smiled nonetheless.

"aww he looks soo handsome"

"oii im here you know" he sat beside Beam a few rows back from the stage "why is Pha doing this?"

"cause he is as stupid in matters of the heart, it's sad"


At the end, Wayo was the one who won the most popular, but Ming won the campus moon title.

"Are you mad?" The small figure of Wayo was waiting seated outside of the side door of the stage. Ming walked to him with a confused smile on his face

"what? why?"

"because you lost the most popular" Wayo's eyes were like the cat from sherk

"Yo! don't be silly, it's great that you won, im happy! we both won!" he sat beside his friend an arm around his small shoulders, he played a little with the sash of his friend

"but what about the bet you and P'Phana made?" he turned around worried

"don't worry about that, even if he give me punishment like Forth i wont be mad at you" he sighed deeply and let his body relax against the side of his friend

"there is our moon!!!" came the deep voice of his P

"P'Forth!" he smiled and showed him the sash over his torso with a big smile

"congratulations!!! to both of you!! come on! the guys are waiting, we'll take you both to dinner"

"ok, i'll be right there!, i just left my bag in the dressing room, you go with him Yo"


Ming just ran to the room and stopped just at the door, inside sitting on a chair was a very angry Phana with his bag in his hands "what now?"

Phana stood up faster than ever and took out a packet of wet napkins "clean that fucking thing off" he started wiping Ming's neck smearing the makeup away "why would you cover it" he kept pushing him till he was against a wall

"get off me!" Ming was slapping at his arms and chest "what the fuck are you doing!?" he snarled

"I came to collect my winnings"

"and what!? are you going to give me a sponge baahhaannghhh" a moan fell out of Ming's mouth as Pha lips touched the marked skin, both were surprised at the sound, Pha looked at the new moon and was rewarded with a flushed face, Ming had to clear his throat with a cough before daring to speak "fuck what was that?" he trashed in Pha hold

"did you like it that much?" Pha smiled wicked and dive right to the neck again

"fuck ooffhhhh my god!" Ming's legs started to shake "shiaa P'Phaaaaa" he couldn't control himself instead of pushing, his fists were holding Pha's shirt. He should hate Phana, with his dark hair and his milky skin, pressed up close and licking promises in his mark. -I really should hate this- but... he didn't hate any of it, quite the opposite.

"call me that again" Phana's hands were already working their way into Ming's shirt, opening with dextrose fingers the buttons and touching his skin. He shoved the shirt off his shoulders and started to work on the buckle of the belt. "call me P'Pha"

The thing was that Ming knew he was feeling this good because of Phana, messing around and getting messed up by his soulmate. He knew the kind of reaction he had over Pha's kisses on his neck were because of those marks, the ones that branded him as his perfect companion. Phana broke their frantic kiss; and Ming couldn't help going after him, just a little. "P'Pha" he whined "show me" and turned a little, denying his neck to the assaulting lips.

Phana smirked at him like he knew every secret he had. He bravely took Ming's hand and directed it over his torso, only the thin shirt keeping him away from his own mark. Ming pulled fast at the cloth snapping a few buttons and was awed at the sight of the skin in front of him, his fingers skimming lightly over the mark, the deep grunt he heard gave him courage to touch more, before his lips were captured by insistent mouth and opened his way inside him, everything narrowed down to tongue and teeth -fuck yes-

"Ming!? come on! it's getting late!"

Ming almost brained himself against the wall in his escape of Phana arms, the medic student tried to stop him, but he was faster, taking his things and pulling closed his shirt, "i'm going!" he said out loud so nobody would come inside, he turned around to see the disheveled state of the former moon and had to stop himself from going back to him, he took a deep breath and with no word, he left the place.


We went from i don't like you, to fuck! i want you! 

Phana's mark

Phana's mark

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