If one of them is dead (pt2)

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If one of them is dead..

"Beam just pass me Phana and make sure he doesn't hang up again" Forth had tired himself trying to call Phana, the first time he just managed to say Ming's name before tha call ended and the other 9 calls were not even answered, he had to resort to call Beam and ask him to make use of his sweet face "come on Phaaaaaa, for me?" he hear the voice of his boyfriend, and could even imagine the pout he had directed at his friend, then he heard as Phana took the phone

"what Forth?" Phana was clearly one second away from murder everyone if the talked again about soulmate, specifically his soulmate.

"Pha, i know you are mad at him right now, but you probably should talk to him, please!"

"don't want to"

"i didn't like how i saw him!, he was crying like a baby" he was close to beg "you have to clear this thing you have with him"

"... we have nothing, Ming never wanted a soulmate to start, he have that asshole"

Forth knew Phana was just been stubborn, all the years since he got his mark, he was the boy who fell easily in love with however told him they had the same mark, till he got tired of being played around, and then Ming came and go, no wonder Pha felt used again but this was different and Forth was tired too of this mess.

"I don't care if he wanted you or not!, Ming is hurt and he is your soulmate, if you don't want to fight for him or care for him just be honest right now, i'll go and look out for him, he shouldn't be alone right now"

"did something happened to him?" he couldn't hide the worry that colored his question

"i think so... Phana i'm worried"

"...i... i'll go"


The moment Ming opened the door of his room he came to the smiling face of his mother "Mae, what are you doing here? how did you get in?" he hugged her before he let took his shoes off

"i'm your mother silly" she ushered him inside and make him sit on a chair "the manager let me in"

"where is P'Thorn?"

"he, couldn't come, here! i made tea" she presented a steaming cup to him and urged him to drink, Ming made a face at the bitter taste but drinked nonetheless "where you crying baby?" she cleaned his tear marks with her hand

"oh, i- i had a rough day" he said after another sip of the tea

"did you fight with your soulmate?"

"wha- how did you-" his hand fly to hide his mark, he totally forgot she could see his mark -so much as a warning from P'Thorn...- "mae this is not- i wanted to tell you"

"you don't have to hide it from me" she took his hand away admiring the design on his son neck "is she a good girl?" she walked to the microwave and took another cup she poured hot water in it.

"he, he is... " his mouth felt dry and his tongue heavy, he looked into the almost empty cup he had in his hand, pink dust gathered at the bottom, he felt his stomach clench painfully, and he started to feel fear of his own mother "you are.. are not supposed to go out.. alone" the woman ignored him and walked to stand in front of him a few steps away, his phone rang and he wanted to answer but found he felt extremely heavy, his mother took the phone away and piked the cover apart and pulled out the battery

"ahhh Thorn... he is a good kid, could have had a pretty life after his mark got black don't you think? don't know why he stays single" Ming felt anger at the mocking of his friend's dead soulmate.

"i- mae-" he  he managed to stand up but had to hold himself on the table, he felt very dizzy and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

"It's ok baby" she smiled lovingly and when he tried to reach for her, his legs buckled and he fell to the floor taking with him the chair and the cup in his hand shattered.


Phana had parked near the building, and walked roses in hand and head down to the entrance, he would have ignored the guy stumbling a few steps in front of him but he heard him say "dammit Ming!" he could recognize the voice and it seemed that he was calling Ming again but with no answer, Phana felt a little bit sadist at enjoying knowing that his soulmate didn't answer to him "what are you doing here?" he pushed a little the shoulder of the man to see his face and felt the ground leave his feet as he saw the man bloodied face "is that blood?"

Thorn has never been so happy in his life like right now, that he had stumbled with Ming's soulmate, but the happiness was short lived at not see his friend with him "where is Ming? why you are not with him!?" he felt desperate

"whats going on?, should i take you to a hospital" he let one of his hands try to inspect the origin of the blood

"what's Ming's room?" anguished, the man fisted his shirt and shaked him

"aghh" Phana double over a stabbing pain right on his mark, as if he was stabbed, Thorn pulled his shirt up and both saw how Phana's mark was slowly losing color, his eyes widening at the meaning of the reason a mark turned black... Ming was dying!


Ming was sprawled on the ground, his mother was straddling him "mae, what are you-" her hands had reached his mark and her nails were scratching the delicate skin, he felt cold all over, a nauseating feeling on his stomach caused by the touch or whatever he drank "please- don't touch-" his eyes widening as his mother hands started to squeeze his neck cutting off his airway "mae no- i can't- breath-" he felt tears fill his eyes and spill to the sides of his face "mae-"

"you'll leave me, like your father!" she cried "I can't go through the same thing again! do you hear me?" she put more strength on her hold "i know you saw me that night Ming, you saw me mess his car right, but you didn't tell anyone right darling? because you know he deserved it"

"didn't- won't leave, -promise" his weakened fingers clawing futilely at the arms of his own mother "mae, i promise, -please" he felt his chest heaving uselessly.

"you are good boy Ming" he was dazed, couldn't focus anything anymore, he felt more weak every second and cold, if the lack of oxygen didn't kill him whatever his mother had put on the drink will, black spots danced before Ming's eyes, first around the corners, slowly seeping in like smoke, the last thing he saw was the madness in his mother eyes. He begged soundlessly as air struggled to reach his lungs.

"let's stay together forever na, let go Ming, mae will be right behind you"

Ming felt his own hands lose the grip and flop to the ground, the sound became muted, and he let the darkness surround him completely, and one last thought came to his mind.




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