Let's meet again 🔥

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Let's meet again

After that little encounter Ming couldn't sleep, every time he closed his eyes, images of Phana's mark and his hot body filled his mind -How did i fuck up so bad?- he turned around again on his bed

"Aghhhh this isn't going to end well" he talked to himself, pained smile on his face as he stood up to get a cold shower.


Phana was of course a smart guy, so now that he had a taste of his soulmate he would be a fool if he didn't use all his little tricks to get what he wanted, he called the new Moon and Star to a meeting with a few teachers, of course he never told any teacher and called the new Star just a few minutes before said meeting and made a excuse and canceled...

"But don't worry, i'll let N'Ming know" he said with a warm smile

"ohh thank you P'Phana!"

"not a problem"

Now he just had to wait for Ming to arrive. He didn't disappoint, even got a few minutes to spare.

"Sawadee khrap-" he finished looking around and finding the room empty.

"Sawadee Nong" a voice caressed his ear, he turned around to find a smiling Phana closing the door behind him

"P'Phana" he had to control his face before a smile would pull up his lips -controll yourself Mingkwan!-

"hi" he got a wicked smile and pulled Ming's arm, and the young man let him manhandle him easily, once in his arms Ming put a hand on Pha's chest keeping him away.

"did you planned this?"

"you left so quickly the other day" he inclined his head slowly, this time like he was asking permission, plenty of time for Ming to refuse his touch

"we can't do this here!" he squealed as soon as he felt Pha's lips near his ear

"so it's ok if we do it somewhere else?"

"Probably not P'Phana"



"Wanna do it anyway Nong?"

"Fuck-" -i really want this- he was already clinging to Pha's shirt "O-Ok," Ming stuttered.

"Do you want this?" Phana asked as he leaned into Ming's mouth, kissing him softly and only for a moment.

Ming felt frustrated for a second, he wanted the same intensity that before "I've your mark on my body! obviously I'm into this." he took the opportunity to kiss back with more pressure and lick the sinful lips before taking a breath "I-I just really think we shou-" Ming trailed off as Phana's hands moved lower and lower down his back. Just like that, everything he was going to say about not doing it disappeared from his mind. The only thing he could think about now was where the hands were going to touch next.

Phana kissed his soulmate again, "So is that a yes?" he asked and moved his hands to squeeze Ming's bottom.

"Yes," Ming blurted out, "Yes P'Pha, I want this."

"Good. Now let's go somewhere i can really enjoy you."


"you didn't really think we would do more than this here did you?!"

-oh my dear P' two can play this game-

"didn't you?" Ming's hands worked to unbutton Pha's shirt as he pushed farther and farther into his mouth. As soon as he got the shirt off, he began to kiss his way down the chest, slowly dropping to the ground. Once Ming reached his mark, Phana couldn't hold back the moans any longer.

"I'm loving hearing you P" Ming purred as Pha moaned again, which only made him try harder, giving little bites. Phana's knees shook as Ming grabbed his pants dragged them down. He could feel his breath through his boxers and began to buck forward, showing just how much he wanted that devious mouth on his dick.

"P'Pha... if you want me to go on, you have to promise, this is just for fun, no strings attached ok?" Ming asked, and Phana looked down disapproving, but before he could reproach -of fucking course this IS strings attached, we are soulmates-, Ming pulled his boxers down and licked down the side of his shaft. "I'm waiting for your answer Pha" he looked up with those eyes.

"ok, no strings attached" -i'll convince you along the way- Ming smiled and worked his way back up Pha's dick and popped the head into his mouth while jerking him off. He moaned and began bobbing his head up and down, working more and more into his mouth.

Pha looked down and almost came on the spot from the sight of this moon, cheeks looking so full with his lips wrapped around his dick and on how much he seemed to be enjoying it, like there was no place Ming would rather be, he thrust harder and harder, grabbing on to Ming's short hair to steady himself.

"I'm-" Phana tried to warn him, but before he could finish his sentence, the engineer took him down all the way to the base, roaming his fingers over Phana's mark, he let out a loud moan before coming down his throat.

Ming tried to get all of Pha's seed but choked a little and had to take it out and cough, getting a white rope over his face and a trail of saliva still connecting his mouth to Pha's tip. Phana got him up to his feet, and leaned in to kiss him "that was amazing," Pha panted, in between kisses. and then he got a wet napkin to clean him

"you still have those?" Ming's voice was a little rough after the previous activity and that only spur Phana to kiss him again

"i was prepared in case you had makeup again" he smiled, he was sure he would be smiling all day, and if he had his way he would smile at this man the rest of his life

"stop smiling like that!" Ming punched his arm but smiled too, he bed down to get Phana's boxer and pants back up

"let's continue this i-" a ringing sound came from Ming's pocket, and he hurriedly took the phone out holding his hand up in a sign to wait a moment, and turned to answer.

-are you for real Ming?!, you just blow my brains out and now you dismiss me like this?- Ming gave short answers and finished the call rather quickly but Pha's ego was already wounded

"I'm sorry P'Pha, i just had to take the call" he used all the charm he could "and i have to go, i'll give you my number" he extended his hand waiting for Phana's phone, but the medic student just watched him like he was studying him, after a few seconds of no movement he let his hand down "or, don't, ok, i guess i'll see you around" that woke Phana, he quickly hold his hand and took out his phone

"here, make sure you answer me as quick as you did now"

"i will P'!" he typed his number and returned the phone to the owner "lets met again na!" he smiled 


Ming paying more attention to his phone, than to his soulmate :D

Ming paying more attention to his phone, than to his soulmate :D

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