Things you shouldn't know

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Things you shouldn't know

They had an agreement, they were exclusive, they do couple things but only in prived, it was kind of fun being in a secret relationship, they sometimes pretended to fight like right now, Ming had made a comment about not actually being friends, and sweet Beam had said that Phana liked him "Phana? Like me? What gave you that idea P'Beam? The fact that he can't go a minute without telling me how I suck or the way he roll his eyes every time I am near him?"

"i do not roll my eyes" Phana actually exaggerated the movement, "and you do suck" the look he gave Ming was so intimate that the moon flushed and shook his head at their friends blind and deaf attention -we are going to get caught if you keep this up Phana!-

Beam always with the most new gossip of all the university smiled at Wayo and poked his cheek "sooo N'Yo, a little bird told me they saw you with another friend alone in the science canteen" All the attention got to the red face of the small man, who shyly looked at the table

"I think maybe i found my soulmate?"

The table erupted in cheers and smiles, even Kit was happy by the news "Yo! that's great!" Ming hugged him while Beam ruffled his hair "congratulations little Yo!, now we can all say we found our soulmate"

"Beam!" Forth gave him a look to his boyfriend to keep quiet about that

"what? just because they don't like each other doesn't mean Yo's soulmate is going to be a dick" Beam pointed to Phana and Ming, the later lost his smile quickly, -of course Pha's friends think im a dick, i rejected him so many times-

"oh... i..." Ming started to apologize he turned to look at Phana who was looking at him worriedly, like he knew what he was thinking

"not talking about you N'Ming, i was talking about my best friend here" Of course Beam being Beam noticed the face of the young moon and corrected his statement

"ok back to the topic" Kit intervene hitting Beam on the head and smiling at Wayo

"oh, ok, well he is from the art faculty, and he is cute"

"and have you seen his mark?" asked Forth, all the other looked like a couple of girls waiting for their friend to tell them how was the first kiss.

"mmm, no"

"Yo how would you know then?" Ming questioned and slowly sat beside Phana, now that the others weren't paying attention to them, he immediately felt a hand over his knee, warm and grounding

"he said he felt a pull the first time we touched hands" explained Wayo

"mm that's not very common" Kit shook his head and pay even more attention to the conversation, this was weird.

"why? how does that work?" asked Forth to Beam

"ah Pha knows more" he turned to Phana who was looking at Wayo

"it's a neurological anomaly related to epileptic electrical discharge in the brain, for being in close contact with the soulmate, creating a strong sensation of being pulled physically to the person"

"one in a billion feel that, there is not even enough study material to work with because it only happens once" Kit explained, this didn't seem all real to him

"so you think he is lying?"

"i don't know Yo, did you feel it too?" he tried to be sweet but he saw the disappointment in the young junior


"what do you want to do about it?" Forth pat him in the back

"he asked for a pic of my mark"

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