If one of them is dead.(pt1)

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If one of them is dead...

"someone has to tell me what the fuck is going on!" Kit demanded, anger at Ming for putting the saddest face he have ever seen on his friend. Wayo let go of Phana and turned to all of them.

"Ming and Phana are already a couple and had a fight over the calls that Ming always receive" he started and watched as Pha turned to look at him surprised "don't look at me like that P'Pha, i'm young not stupid, did you think no one would notice the hickies you left over his mark? conveniently after he lost the bet with you" he shook his head "this morning Ming's car was parked outside our building, and you didn't let me come inside your room, so i guess he was there"

"you were dating him since when!??" Forth asked astonished

"and you didn't think on telling us??" Beam throw him a used napkin

"he didn't want to tell" Pha said in a grievous tone

"why? are you not up to his standards?" growled the smallest doctor

"he has another person more important"

"bullshit! did you not see his tears right now?" pointed Forth

"didn't you see he left with the other guy?" Beam hit him with his elbow

"i don't feel too good, pass me the notes after classes" Pha had red eyes and the guys could swear he let a few tears escape before he turned away



Thorn and Ming were in Ming's car but Thorn was the one driving and coaching Ming out of his crying fit "deep breath, come on, and out slowly"

"Why are you here!? where is my mom?" Ming rubbed his eyes and tried to control the sobbing spasms that hit his body.

"it's ok, don't worry, that's why i called you earlier, i wanted to give you a heads up" Thorn give a side look trying to figure out the mental state of his friend "She wanted to give you a surprise, the doctors said that she only need to go to therapy two days a week, soon she won't need me!"

"she is here?" Ming turned around, his face betraying his fear


"fuuuuuuck" he hit the door with his fist "life just hate me" he cried again and curled in on himself, hiding from the outside

"hey don't say that, what's going on? does this have to do with your soulmate? what was Wayo clinging to him?" Thorn kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Ming's back rubbing up and down

"it's a long story"

"i think we have time" he parked beside a small cafe and he convince him to take a late breakfast. They talked for a few hours, Ming calmed himself and actually could tell everything to Thorn, even a few details about his relationship with Phana

"and now even Wayo wont cut me some slack, he thinks i can't see his silly facade!"

"so he is lying about wanting Phana?"

Ming nodded "he is a romantic fool, of course he wouldn't even go close to another's mate" he sighed tiredly "i just can't go on like this"

"you should tell him about your mother?"

"you know how she gets with people who show their marks, it was easy when she was away, because i didn't have to hide mine every single day, but if she is here, then i'll have to wear makeup all the time"

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