Out of sight, out of mind

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Out of sight, out of mind

Beam had run to Forth probably to tell him all about their little encounter and Pha's bet. So there was just Kit and Pha sitting alone for the moment, he wanted to ask his friend so many things, there was something Kit didn't understand, why would Pha antagonize Ming so much if he was so sure he was his soulmate? "are you sure you want to do this?"

"i'll make sure he doesn't win"

"how do you pretend to do that"

"i'll buy a truck of roses and give it to another"

"you are so ridiculous, you are a kid Pha, pulling his hair because you like him, did you at least try to talk like a normal person to him about this thing?!"

"i told him we have the same mark?"


"in the nursing tent"

"was that before or after you attacked him while he was passed out?"

"what do you mean by that!? i didn't attack him!"

"you- deliberately- touched-his mark- without- permission" Kit make sure to emphasize every word "twice!, don't you dare to deny that you touched him that day he punched you"

Phana had to stay in silence there was no way he could lie to Kit to his face.

"you should have started by treating him with respect, maybe that way he would actually talk to you and not try to kill you"


Phana tried to follow Kit recommendation, but talking to Ming was impossible, it was like he was an idol!, always surrounded by girls and boys, if he wasn't in class, he was in sotus, or in the moon training. So he waited for him in the Engineer canteen, he watched him as he sat with his friends and then walked to him

"Can we talk?" he asked and Ming turned to him surprised at the mellow tone

"humm, i'm kind of busy right now P'Phana"

"it won't take long" he was making what every girl would consider a cute face, but it was just irking Ming, after a few seconds he finally surrender to the situation "fine, let's go"

Ming walked away with Phana following his steps, till they got to a few benches, there fewer people there if they get to blows again. He stopped and turned around, his arms crossed as a line of defense "what?"

Phana stopped too and got nervous, he scratched the back of his neck "i- i wanted to apologize" he couldn't look up

"what for?"

"mm... everything?"

"is that a question?" Ming was looking at Phana but he couldn't recognize the person in front of him, this was not the same person who dropped the ice coffee on purpose, or the one that made the bet about him not winning the popular moon title.

"i know i shouldn't have treated you the way i did" he sounded gentle and at least he wasn't looking at the ground anymore, his eyes were fixed on Ming's face "i was angry because i thought it was a joke"

"i wouldn't joke about that"

"i didn't know ok? im sorry" he took a step forward " people have done it before"

"yeah ok, that probably suck" he knew a thing or two about people trying to make their mark look similar, example a): Moowarn, he just didn't have any intention of making something out of this, he could allow himself. As a thing from destiny his phone was ringing, he knew who was it, so he didn't have to see the screen "is that all?" he asked with disinterest

"huuu yeah"

"ok then" Ming walked away answering the call with a sweet tone "hey, how's your day going?"


There was just one more day to the Moon contest, he had tried many times to talk to Ming again, but he turned him down every time!, Beam and Kit thinking he wanted to bully the young moon, had the audacity to warn Ming of Wayo every time he planed to look for him. He had to up his game just to find him outside of one of the Engineering labs

"hey!" he called him from a few meters away, Ming looked good smiling, but as soon as he saw him the smile faded


"i got you this?" Pha handed him an iced coffee


"a small apology for the coffee i dropped on you, and i want to know you better" Phana was less nervous than last time, so he smiled a little "maybe we can talk"

"I don't want to. Don't come again to talk to me, someone might think we are friends." Ming handed back the drink, but Phana refused to hold it, Ming waited for him to hold the glass or it would end on the floor. The silence between them grow bigger by the second.

"do you even have a valid reason to want to know me?"

"i don't know! maybe it's love!" Phana tried to look charming but it wasn't working as good as he thought.

"No...you can't be in love with me. You can't just say that because of a mark! I don't like you! We don't even know each other" Ming had started to walk like a caged animal, just back and forth

"That's why i want to know you! i just know that I look at you, at your mark" he tried to get closer to him but Ming gave a startled step back, so he stopped "and i can't stop thinking you are finally here, my soulmate that i was waiting for"

Ming's face was displaying a mix of emotions going from scared, awed, hopeful to sad and finally stopped at dejected "...i'm sorry, i can't" Phana saw him walk away, even more confused than before, why would Ming look like that?

-what are you hiding?-

The next morning was hectic as all the university was preparing for the contest, Pha had his suit in a bag and was walking inside when he saw Ming from afar in the auditorium, doing the last of the rehearsal, as he came a little bit closer his step froze, he now had a clear view of the engineer moon... Ming had makeup covering his mark, as Pha saw this he got really mad, -what is this fool moon playing at?- he turned around and send Beam a text, demanding him to buy a hundred roses.


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