Chapter 3

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Phoebe POV

I shiver against the cold, protecting my body against the blizzard ahead as I approach the borders. I wrap my coat around me, letting it hug my waist. I slowly approach the end of the forest where the trees stop in their tracks, with miles and miles of land to go. I'm about to cross.

My anxiety kicks in and I start questioning my actions. If I step out, I am no longer safe. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. And then my foot slowly moves forward, crushing the ice underneath it and sending it flat into the ground. I'm out.

I lift my hands higher and remove my hood, letting my eyes have more access to the view. I scavenge for a blue haired demon. "Princess." he whispers behind me, sending his husky voice through my ear, giving me goosebumps all over. Oh god. He's here.

I turn around to face him but I find myself seeing the forest behind me with him out of sight.

So I turn back around, but only finding myself face to face with those scary blue eyes. "You came." He smirks. I step back, making the distance between us visible. I am not risking my life tonight. I hide my fear underneath me and put on a cold expression. "I don't think I have much of a choice, do I?" He laughs but his expression gets scarier and his eyes grow darker. He groans and takes his coat off, leaving him in a thin white shirt and jeans. "I would never hurt you." He assures me. I scoff. "Says the one who tried to sink his teeth into my skin a few hours ago." He grins. "Touchè." He steps closer and grips his hands on my waist, pulling me close to his chest. My heart skips a beat.

But I don't know if it's because I'm scared or the fact I can feel the hard muscle beneath his shirt.

There's this weird connection between us. Like a rope is tied to my waist, slowly pulling me closer to him. What if he's- No. It's impossible.

"What do you think you're doing?" I yell, slowly trying to pull myself away from him.

"Hold tight." He says strictly, moving his hands to make mine grip on his shirt as he lifts me up into his arms, making me yelp. I open my mouth to ask him why but before I could, he starts running at lightning speed. My hair flies everywhere, getting in my mouth as I bury my head into his chest, hiding from the strong wind before I slowly faint in the arms of a stranger.

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"Goddamnit, Chase! Why'd you bring her here?" A voice bellows in my ears.

"I couldn't think of a better place. I looked at her and I thought she was dead!" I recognise his voice. That blue demon. "Well just be happy she didn't see the way here! They aren't meant to know our location!" I shift uncomfortably, arching my back from the hard mattress set underneath me. "Great job, prince charming. You woke her." I hear footsteps slowly come closer towards me. I try to open my eyes but a hand covers them, making me close them shut again.

"Don't use any of your energy. You'll just faint again." The man's voice tells me. "Rest first."

I do as he says and lay back down as his hand comes off my face, pulling a sheet over me.

"See? That's how you do it." I hear him say again. A small tssk sound comes as a reply as a door shuts closed.

After what felt like years, my eyes finally got the energy to flutter open. When they do, I see a wooden ceiling and a window next to me, beige curtains hang from inside. The room is darkly lit with a yellow-ish light, illuminating the room with a chill vibe. "You're awake." A voice says from beside me. I turn my head and look down. That blue demon is sitting on the ground next to the bed. I quickly look underneath the bed sheets and check my status. Okay. I'm not naked.

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