Chapter 28

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Just a heads up, I'm going to be juggling around with the POVs so instead of alternating from Chase to Phoebe, there might be a few doubles like in this chapter, it's still Phoebe's perspective

Phoebe POV

"Catherine was the only person that had insight. She was there when that thing in my room attacked me. She was always there. And when Felix was around, she would disappear. After everything, Catherine had always wanted the power. Remember how she fought with Chase, Nick? She'd always complain to me about being second. Not having the throne or anything." I explain to them.

"But then something got me stumped. Vampire royals can't cross the borders during sunset or sunrise. So how did Catherine manage to seep through when the sun was coming up?" I question. They all sit there, focused and fixated on every word I say. Felix's jaw twitches while Lupus stands rigid. Nick looks like he's trying to piece everything together.

"Now that just messes everything up." Lupus announces. Felix nods his head, his eyes driving down to his hands. I could practically hear the clocks turning in his head. "We need answers, not accusations. What if our suspicions are wrong?" I then raise up. Nick then stands up abruptly and reaches into his back pocket. He pulls out car keys. They look old and rusty, like it's been forgotten over the years. Felix's head tilts to the right and he gives Nick a questioning look.

"We want answers, right? Well that's exactly what we're gonna do."

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Chase's car is odd. I'm so used to the long limousine he drives, any other car he steps foot in is just odd. This one isn't as bad though. It's a black SUV that holds a lot of space. When the car stops, I look out the window to see a dense forest with a hidden hut beneath the trees. "Nick, where are we?" Lupus asks from beside me. Nick scoffs. "It's for me to know and for you to find out." He replies. My eyes wander around to the atmosphere around us.

The hut is old and dull, made of some sort of brown material that holds it up just barely. "We're at a seer." I announce, suddenly realising. "How'd you know?" Felix chimes in. "In the West Wing, I never had much to do so I just stayed in the library most of the time. I read about it in a book." I explain. Felix slowly nods then looks out the window. I guess he prefers not to bring that up, the fact I spent most of my life abandoned. It must be hard for him too.

Nick seizes the tension in the car but clasping his hands together. "Alright, Phoebe. This seer is really old and kind of, well, retarded." He suddenly says. I shriek. "Nick!" I yell while hitting his side. He laughs then backs off. "She is! Well, she's kind of delusional and doesn't exactly like men so you'll have to go by yourself." He explains to me while leaning over my seat and opening my door. "Your majesty," he then mini bows, mimicking my position. I scoff back at him. "Just be glad I'm not terminating you for kidnapping me." And with that, I step out of the car and march towards the seer's hut.

The door is quite loosely placed in front of the hut, barely stable and slowly coming off. I contemplate between knocking or simply just yelling 'hello'. I choose to ditch the knock and go for the speech. This door will most probably just break off if I whack my knuckles against it. Just when a small whimper leaves my mouth, the door swings open and a tall woman stands on the other side. Her hair is brought up into a messy bun that lays on top top of her head. Her glasses are at the very brink of her nose bridge, threatening to fall off. Her hands are full with a tray of baked cookies.

When her eyes land on me, her mouth tugs up into a small smile and her head tilts to the side. "Why hello dear, we don't get much visitors up here. I assume you're from Mount Verona?" She speaks. I nod and try to put my warmest smile on. "Umm, are you perhaps a seer?" I ask very quietly. She chuckles and puts the tray to the side. She then steps backwards, motioning for me to step inside. "Oh no, darling. I'm Violet. The seer you seek for is my mother, Raven." She explains as I step inside. The house is quite small and cozy. It almost looks like the hut that Chase and Nick took me to for that spell.

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