Chapter 9

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Phoebe POV

I wasn't seeing Chase tonight, I was there the entire day. And either way, he had some sort of dinner to attend. Like Felix. I thought about what my brother said, "Lupus and you can go somewhere if you'd like. Mingle with the folks." It's a good idea, getting to know some other werewolf people. Since I am their second leader. But it being with Lupus would cause so much trouble. I'd already attract a lot of attention, I don't need a bodyguard drawing more. So I'll go by myself.

The pack house downtown is full. It's like the cabin Chase took me too, but this one is so crowded and loud. There are people lined up at the very back, taking shots of alcohol. The sun hadn't risen yet, so we're all human looking.

I take off my hood and step inside. I don't think they recognise me. The crowd that I was announced in front of was the royal court so I guess the information hasn't been passed around yet. Either way, I haven't been here in years. A woman around my age gets up from her seat. She's got jet black hair, cut straight just under her ears. She's really pretty, decent shape, nice eyes and plump lips.

"Haven't seen you here before, you new?" She asks me. She takes a seat on the bench in front of me and I follow. "Yeah, I don't come here." She snickers and puts her hand on the head rest, laying her head against her flat palm. "Kinda obvious, you're dressed up like a rich bitch. No offence." She comments, looking at my coat. "This place has more tracks and jeans."

"Yeah, I must stand out a lot." I say, looking around and seeing how everyone looks so much more casual than I am. "A lot? You're like the blue gummy in the red worm packet. Come, let's fix you up." She says, getting up and walking towards the back. I hesitate. I don't know this woman.

But I go anyway.

She steps into a door at the very back and waits for me to catch up. "Come on, I don't have all day. I've got a job, you know?" She hurries, making my steps run faster. "Your job is to fix people who need fixing?" I ask her. She nods. "Mhm. Dress code chick, I guess." She uses her hand to scavenge along the wall, feeling for the light switch. When she finds it, a small ah-ha escapes her lips and she turns it on, lighting up the room with a yellow-ish tint.

The room has two cloth racks on each side and a small bean bag on the floor. "Wait, is this actually a thing?" I ask. She steps forward and runs her fingers through all the clothes, flicking through for the right shirt. "Not really, I just store all my stuff here. I stay here most of the time. You know, no need to get up or anything. Just sleep on the comfiest bean bag and when you wake up, there's ready made meals just outside that door." She explains. She finds a nice shirt and pants and hands them to me.

"I'm Cassie and this is my room. You're a rich girl and that is your bathroom. Get dressed there, I'll be outside." She points to a sign just outside the room that says bathroom, before sneaking past me and walking out the door. I step into the ladies room. It's really dark in here. I lean against the tap, staring into my reflection in the mirror. My eyes glow under the light, reflecting a dark and deep orb. My hair is dark, glowing white highlights from the light above me.

I drag a long sigh before picking up the clothes on the floor. I reach down, bending towards it, but then an unbearing pain hits my head, causing me to fall to the floor, my hand clutching the side of my head. My vision clogs and my mouth goes dry. My body fills with tingling senses, giving me pins and needles everywhere. My back arches as sharp pains drag along my spine, as if someone were stretching my insides. I scream in pain. But no one hears me.

My hand claws my hair in pain, gripping down on my skull as the pain worsens. It's everywhere.

I reach up, grasping on the sink corner. With the little strength I have, I list my body up, leaning against the sink. The pain dies down as I stand up, my feet bending down weakly. My breathing pitches slower, deep breaths fill my lungs as I catch myself.

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